NOC Locations

The Norman Optimist Club Gym - aka, North Base Hangar

Activities: Basketball, Futsal, Cheer

A cavernous structure, located on the University of Oklahoma's North Base, the Hangar was constructed in 1942 to support the aircraft used to training pilots for the US Army Air Corps during World War II. Since that time the Hangar has been home for everything from an art student to birds of prey. But mostly it has served as an athletic facility. NOC has leased the hangar since the early 1970s to host kids' activities such as wrestling, track, Special Olympics, table tennis tournaments, carnivals and other events. But most Normanites recognize it for the many seasons of basketball

To learn more about the of the North Base Hangar visit NewsOk:

Norman North High School

Activities: Flag, 7v7 & Tackle Football

Norman High School

Activities: Flag, 7v7 & Tackle Football

Alcott Middle School

Activities: Flag, 7v7 & Tackle Football