Waiver & Liability Form


I understand that there are risks involved in the programs/memberships which are sponsored by the City of Coppell Community Experiences department. I accept full responsibility for any injury or accident to myself, spouse or any of my dependents. I hereby release, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Coppell, the Community Experiences department, their agents, officers, employees, contractors, instructors and any person acting on behalf of the city for any damages, causes of action of any kind whatsoever, statutory or otherwise, for personal injury, including death, property damage and lawsuits and judgments, including court costs, expenses and attorney fees, and all other expenses that might arise hereafter, directly or indirectly in connection with my participation or the participation of my spouse or dependents in any of the programs/memberships listed. I do hereby grant and give these groups the right to use my or my child’s photograph or image with or without my or my child’s name, both single and in conjunction with other persons or objects, for the purpose of advertising, private or public presentations, publicity, and promotion relating thereto.

Full Name
Team Name
Email Address
For contact purposes only
I Accept the terms
I have read the above and I accept all the terms listed
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