Steps to enter your Roster at

1.    From Home Page, click “Roster Management” in top menu of pages on home page
2.    From Current Programs page, click the Enroll button for the Program you want to add your Roster to.
3.    From the Sign In page, click “Not registered?  Create a new account”
4.    From Register page, complete the information and click the “Sign Up” button at the bottom of the page
5.    From Add Items To Your Cart, select your Program, then your Offering and click Add Enrollment
6.    Scroll down to click the Proceed to check out button.
7.    From the Team Information page, complete the information and click the “Done” button at the bottom of the page.
8.    From the Checkout page, scroll down and click the “Place Order” button at the bottom of the page.
9.    From the Order Confirmation page, from the menu at the top of the page, click Manage Rosters, then your Team name.
10.    From the Roster page, click Add To Roster to add your Players.  When you have added all of your players, and, the minimum number of players has been met, then click the Submit button.
11.    Los Alamitos Recreation will know you are done with your Roster when you click the Submit button.