Location Calendar
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Game: 5B MIS - Baird vs. 5B MIS - Cherkassky (UP Elementary)
5th Boys - Winter Basketball 24
UP, UP Elementary (6:15PM-7:15PM)
Game: 5B Mixed - Mckinney vs. 5B MIS- Quigley (UP Elementary)
5th Boys - Winter Basketball 24
UP, UP Elementary (7:15PM-8:15PM)
Game: 5B MIS - Cherkassky vs. 5B ESD 1 - Carter (UP Elementary)
5th Boys - Winter Basketball 24
UP, UP Elementary (6:15PM-7:15PM)
Game: 5B ESD 2 - Carter vs. 5B Mixed - Mckinney (UP Elementary)
5th Boys - Winter Basketball 24
UP, UP Elementary (7:15PM-8:15PM)