League Information:The league will play on Tuesday evenings at 7p and 8p. Depending on the number of registrations in the other leagues and this league, 5p and 6p can be used for overflow.
Price includes the league fee and the referee fees for each week. Each team will be granted a free team site with access to our Team Sideline app where you can access rosters, schedules, and updates for all of your kids! We require that each player wear shin guards, flat bottom indoor shoes or sneakers (no outdoor cleats permitted), and a size appropriate soccer ball (size 5)Coaches can receive a discount of $20.00 on their first child registration! If you are interested in coaching please click the volunteer button below in addition to also adding your child's enrollment. Thank you for your help! Deadline to register is Wednesday 11/1 @11:59pm. Roster and schedule information will be sent no later than Sat 11/4.