rnlyouth.org Donations

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Donation to Rnl Youth

(Enter amount from $5.00 to $10,000.00)
Program Sponsor $10000.00 Per Item
Program sponsors will be marketed across all programs with a personalized marketing plan.
League sponsor $5000.00 Per Item
League sponsors will receive a banner on each team site in the league, league is renamed after the sponsor, trophy named after sponsor presented to League champion, acknowledgement on the sponsor page. This is at the cost of $5000 and has the widest reach with out a cap as the others do, therefore the more successful we do the more people your money reaches.
Division sponsor $3000.00 Per Item
Division sponsors will receive ads on each team in the division (at least 4 with max of 8), the sponsor’s name on each player’s award, division is named after the sponsor and acknowledgement on our sponsor page for $3000.
Team Sponsor $1000.00 Per Item
For $1000, Team sponsors will receive an ad on a team website and acknowledgement on our sponsor page.
116 Avenue Sponsor $1000.00 Per Item
For $1000, sponsors can have a banner on the class they choice to sponsor. We work in coordination with the sponsor to offer a class that would match their targeted audience. We have music classes that we would offer for a year with the sponsors banner across the class page as well as a flyer sent home each week provided by the sponsor.?
Teen Leadership Sponsor $750.00 Per Item
Our teen program is about creating leaders while giving them the keys to their future. Knowledge about college lets them learn about college with webinars, assistance with contact with the college recruiters and a database of over 600 colleges and universities and an ever-growing scholarship list. ? The profession mentorship program is a partnership with local businesses that agree to mentor a teen in hopes that it could lead to future employment but at the least, let the teen receive actual experience in a field that they are curious about. ? $750 sponsors receive an ad on the knowledge and professional mentorship pages as well as ads in any college fairs for one year.
Afterschool Club $500.00 Per Item
For $500, sponsors can have a banner on the class they choice to sponsor. We work in coordination with the sponsor to offer a class that would match their targeted audience. We have music, crafts, games , and dance classes that we would offer for a year with the sponsors banner across the class page as well as a flyer sent home each week provided by the sponsor.?