Abilene Volleyball League MS (May 6-May 27) - Spring 2025


Tuesday Evenings-May 6th -May 27th  

Cost: $80 per player

Age Group:--Middle School

 This is a bring your team League. Your team must provide a coach. There will be no practice built in, only games!! 

Teams can be made up of school teams, club teams, or just a group of friends wanting to play together. 

Teams will be guaranteed 2 matches per night. All teams must provide a volunteer scorekeeper and one line judge for each of their matches.


To ensure a smooth start for all our programs, league payments are now due two weeks before the program begins or a $20 late fee will be added to late registrations. If payment is not completed before the start date, participants will not be allowed to take part in the program. 

Program Details
  • Registration Status:
  • Regular Registration:
    Wednesday, January 1, 2025 - Friday, April 25, 2025
  • Program Duration:
    Tuesday, May 6, 2025 - Tuesday, May 27, 2025
  • Regular Registration Cost:
OfferingRegistration DatesCostStatus
A Division (Upper Level 7th/8th Grade) 01/01/25 12:00 AM - 04/25/25 11:00 PM$0.0020 Available
B Division (6th/7th Grade) 01/01/25 12:00 AM - 04/25/25 11:00 PM$0.0019 Available
Team Add-Ons
$10 AYSA Donation
$10 AYSA Donation $10.00 Per Item
Donate to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization AYSAAvailable for the following Offerings: A Division (Upper Level 7th/8th Grade), B Division (6th/7th Grade)
Sponsor Another Player (Spring/Summer Leagues)
Sponsor Another Player (Spring/Summer Leagues) $80.00 Per Item
This donation will help a child who needs financial assistance be able to play.Available for the following Offerings: A Division (Upper Level 7th/8th Grade), B Division (6th/7th Grade)
Roster Add-Ons
$10 AYSA Donation
$10 AYSA Donation $10.00 Per Item
Donate to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization AYSAAvailable for the following Offerings: A Division (Upper Level 7th/8th Grade), B Division (6th/7th Grade)
Sponsor Another Player (Spring/Summer Leagues)
Sponsor Another Player (Spring/Summer Leagues) $80.00 Per Item
This donation will help a child who needs financial assistance be able to play.Available for the following Offerings: A Division (Upper Level 7th/8th Grade), B Division (6th/7th Grade)