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Game: Why Not! vs. Mtnest (Apple Valley Community Center)
Novice - Bean Bags
AVCC-Bags 15, Apple Valley Community Center (6:30PM-7:15PM)
Game: Beanie Babes vs. Why Not! (Apple Valley Community Center)
Novice - Bean Bags
AVCC-Bags 15, Apple Valley Community Center (7:15PM-8:00PM)
Game: 6th Place vs. 7th Place (Apple Valley Community Center)
Novice - Bean Bags
AVCC-Bags 15, Apple Valley Community Center (6:30PM-7:15PM)
Game: R1-G1 Consolation vs. R1-G2 Consolation (Apple Valley Community Center)
Novice - Bean Bags
AVCC-Bags 15, Apple Valley Community Center (7:15PM-8:00PM)