2024 Fall Self-Officiated Volleyball

Self-officiated Volleyball

All matches take place on Thursday evenings at Kennedy Middle School. Courts 1-3 are located in the large gym.

Game Ball:
It is the home team’s responsibility to provide a suitable game ball. The ball must be of official size and weight unless both teams agree on a different size or weight, or if neither team has an official ball available.

Any children attending the matches must be supervised by a non-playing adult at all times.

Respect Other Teams:
Please be courteous to other teams by avoiding any interference with matches that are currently in progress.

Parking & Gym Location:
The gym is located down the steps from the west parking lot. Please do not park in fire lanes, and avoid leaving valuables in your vehicle.

If a match is canceled, an email will be sent out by 4:45 PM on the day of the match.

1I Love Hot Sets100--11.000Marisa Bradley
2Amazing Spiking Scientists100--11.000Sophia Phillips
3Tater Tossers100--11.000Thu Mi Do
4FireQwackers100--11.000Matt Nardoci
5 Safe Sets100--11.000Hayley Allen
6Casual Sets010110.000Hannah Pigg
7Smokin’ Aces010110.000Alyssa Leal
8All Gas No Breaks010110.000Rosaura Olivo Lira
9Sparkle Muffins010110.000Sanford Weintraub
10Purple Cobras010110.000Kendall Smith
GB = Games Back, GP = Games Played, PCT = Winning Percentage.

Week 1

Thu 9/19 6:30 PM
Tater Tossers
All Gas No Breaks
Kennedy MS C1
   Match Results: 25-14, 25-16, 19-25
Thu 9/19 6:30 PM
Smokin’ Aces
Kennedy MS C2
   Match Results: 26-24, 25-14, 16-22
Thu 9/19 6:30 PM
Safe Sets
Casual Sets
Kennedy MS C3
   Match Results: 18-25, 25-20, 24-20
Thu 9/19 7:30 PM
Amazing Spiking Scientists
Sparkle Muffins
Kennedy MS C1
   Match Results: 17-25, 25-11, 25-16
Thu 9/19 7:30 PM
I Love Hot Sets
Purple Cobras
Kennedy MS C3
   Match Results: 25-22, 25-12, 25-12

Week 2

Thu 9/26 6:30 PM
Purple Cobras
Amazing Spiking Scientists
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 9/26 6:30 PM
Smokin’ Aces
I Love Hot Sets
Kennedy MS C2
Thu 9/26 6:30 PM
Sparkle Muffins
Tater Tossers
Kennedy MS C3
Thu 9/26 7:30 PM
All Gas No Breaks
Safe Sets
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 9/26 7:30 PM
Casual Sets
Kennedy MS C3

Week 3

Thu 10/3 6:30 PM
Sparkle Muffins
Purple Cobras
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 10/3 6:30 PM
I Love Hot Sets
Casual Sets
Kennedy MS C2
Thu 10/3 6:30 PM
All Gas No Breaks
Kennedy MS C3
Thu 10/3 7:30 PM
Tater Tossers
Safe Sets
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 10/3 7:30 PM
Amazing Spiking Scientists
Smokin’ Aces
Kennedy MS C3

Week 4

Thu 10/10 6:30 PM
Safe Sets
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 10/10 6:30 PM
All Gas No Breaks
I Love Hot Sets
Kennedy MS C2
Thu 10/10 6:30 PM
Casual Sets
Amazing Spiking Scientists
Kennedy MS C3
Thu 10/10 7:30 PM
Purple Cobras
Tater Tossers
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 10/10 7:30 PM
Smokin’ Aces
Sparkle Muffins
Kennedy MS C3

Week 5

Thu 10/17 6:30 PM
Purple Cobras
Smokin’ Aces
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 10/17 6:30 PM
Amazing Spiking Scientists
All Gas No Breaks
Kennedy MS C2
Thu 10/17 6:30 PM
I Love Hot Sets
Safe Sets
Kennedy MS C3
Thu 10/17 7:30 PM
Tater Tossers
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 10/17 7:30 PM
Sparkle Muffins
Casual Sets
Kennedy MS C3

Week 6

Thu 10/24 6:30 PM
Smokin’ Aces
Tater Tossers
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 10/24 6:30 PM
All Gas No Breaks
Sparkle Muffins
Kennedy MS C2
Thu 10/24 6:30 PM
Casual Sets
Purple Cobras
Kennedy MS C3
Thu 10/24 7:30 PM
I Love Hot Sets
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 10/24 7:30 PM
Safe Sets
Amazing Spiking Scientists
Kennedy MS C3

Week 7


Week 8

Thu 11/7 6:30 PM
Amazing Spiking Scientists
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 11/7 6:30 PM
Tater Tossers
I Love Hot Sets
Kennedy MS C2
Thu 11/7 6:30 PM
Sparkle Muffins
Safe Sets
Kennedy MS C3
Thu 11/7 7:30 PM
Purple Cobras
All Gas No Breaks
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 11/7 7:30 PM
Smokin’ Aces
Casual Sets
Kennedy MS C3

Week 9

Thu 11/14 6:30 PM
Casual Sets
Tater Tossers
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 11/14 6:30 PM
Safe Sets
Purple Cobras
Kennedy MS C2
Thu 11/14 6:30 PM
Sparkle Muffins
Kennedy MS C3
Thu 11/14 7:30 PM
I Love Hot Sets
Amazing Spiking Scientists
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 11/14 7:30 PM
All Gas No Breaks
Smokin’ Aces
Kennedy MS C3

All matches take place on Thursday evenings at Kennedy Middle School. Courts 1-3 are located in the large gym.

Game Ball:
It is the home team’s responsibility to provide a suitable game ball. The ball must be of official size and weight unless both teams agree on a different size or weight, or if neither team has an official ball available.

Any children attending the matches must be supervised by a non-playing adult at all times.

Respect Other Teams:
Please be courteous to other teams by avoiding any interference with matches that are currently in progress.

Parking & Gym Location:
The gym is located down the steps from the west parking lot. Please do not park in fire lanes, and avoid leaving valuables in your vehicle.

If a match is canceled, an email will be sent out by 4:45 PM on the day of the match.

1I Love Hot Sets100--11.000Marisa Bradley
2Amazing Spiking Scientists100--11.000Sophia Phillips
3Tater Tossers100--11.000Thu Mi Do
4FireQwackers100--11.000Matt Nardoci
5 Safe Sets100--11.000Hayley Allen
6Casual Sets010110.000Hannah Pigg
7Smokin’ Aces010110.000Alyssa Leal
8All Gas No Breaks010110.000Rosaura Olivo Lira
9Sparkle Muffins010110.000Sanford Weintraub
10Purple Cobras010110.000Kendall Smith
GB = Games Back, GP = Games Played, PCT = Winning Percentage.

Week 1

Thu 9/19 6:30 PM Tater Tossers   2
All Gas No Breaks   1
Kennedy MS C1
   Match Results: 25‑14, 25‑16, 19‑25
Thu 9/19 6:30 PM FireQwackers   2
Smokin’ Aces   1
Kennedy MS C2
   Match Results: 26‑24, 25‑14, 16‑22
Thu 9/19 6:30 PM Safe Sets   2
Casual Sets   1
Kennedy MS C3
   Match Results: 18‑25, 25‑20, 24‑20
Thu 9/19 7:30 PM Amazing Spiking Scientists   2
Sparkle Muffins   1
Kennedy MS C1
   Match Results: 17‑25, 25‑11, 25‑16
Thu 9/19 7:30 PM I Love Hot Sets   3
Purple Cobras   0
Kennedy MS C3
   Match Results: 25‑22, 25‑12, 25‑12

Week 2

Thu 9/26 6:30 PM Purple Cobras  
Amazing Spiking Scientists  
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 9/26 6:30 PM Smokin’ Aces  
I Love Hot Sets  
Kennedy MS C2
Thu 9/26 6:30 PM Sparkle Muffins  
Tater Tossers  
Kennedy MS C3
Thu 9/26 7:30 PM All Gas No Breaks  
Safe Sets  
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 9/26 7:30 PM Casual Sets  
Kennedy MS C3

Week 3

Thu 10/3 6:30 PM Sparkle Muffins  
Purple Cobras  
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 10/3 6:30 PM I Love Hot Sets  
Casual Sets  
Kennedy MS C2
Thu 10/3 6:30 PM FireQwackers  
All Gas No Breaks  
Kennedy MS C3
Thu 10/3 7:30 PM Tater Tossers  
Safe Sets  
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 10/3 7:30 PM Amazing Spiking Scientists  
Smokin’ Aces  
Kennedy MS C3

Week 4

Thu 10/10 6:30 PM Safe Sets  
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 10/10 6:30 PM All Gas No Breaks  
I Love Hot Sets  
Kennedy MS C2
Thu 10/10 6:30 PM Casual Sets  
Amazing Spiking Scientists  
Kennedy MS C3
Thu 10/10 7:30 PM Purple Cobras  
Tater Tossers  
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 10/10 7:30 PM Smokin’ Aces  
Sparkle Muffins  
Kennedy MS C3

Week 5

Thu 10/17 6:30 PM Purple Cobras  
Smokin’ Aces  
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 10/17 6:30 PM Amazing Spiking Scientists  
All Gas No Breaks  
Kennedy MS C2
Thu 10/17 6:30 PM I Love Hot Sets  
Safe Sets  
Kennedy MS C3
Thu 10/17 7:30 PM Tater Tossers  
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 10/17 7:30 PM Sparkle Muffins  
Casual Sets  
Kennedy MS C3

Week 6

Thu 10/24 6:30 PM Smokin’ Aces  
Tater Tossers  
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 10/24 6:30 PM All Gas No Breaks  
Sparkle Muffins  
Kennedy MS C2
Thu 10/24 6:30 PM Casual Sets  
Purple Cobras  
Kennedy MS C3
Thu 10/24 7:30 PM FireQwackers  
I Love Hot Sets  
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 10/24 7:30 PM Safe Sets  
Amazing Spiking Scientists  
Kennedy MS C3

Week 7


Week 8

Thu 11/7 6:30 PM Amazing Spiking Scientists  
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 11/7 6:30 PM Tater Tossers  
I Love Hot Sets  
Kennedy MS C2
Thu 11/7 6:30 PM Sparkle Muffins  
Safe Sets  
Kennedy MS C3
Thu 11/7 7:30 PM Purple Cobras  
All Gas No Breaks  
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 11/7 7:30 PM Smokin’ Aces  
Casual Sets  
Kennedy MS C3

Week 9

Thu 11/14 6:30 PM Casual Sets  
Tater Tossers  
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 11/14 6:30 PM Safe Sets  
Purple Cobras  
Kennedy MS C2
Thu 11/14 6:30 PM FireQwackers  
Sparkle Muffins  
Kennedy MS C3
Thu 11/14 7:30 PM I Love Hot Sets  
Amazing Spiking Scientists  
Kennedy MS C1
Thu 11/14 7:30 PM All Gas No Breaks  
Smokin’ Aces  
Kennedy MS C3
QR code Schedule Revision Date: Thu, Sep 12, 2024 8:53 AM