2021 16U, 18U, 18+ All Sanctioned World Series - Annual 2021

16U, 18U, 18+ North American All-Sanctioned World Series July 15 - July 17, 2022

Lou Berliner Park - Columbus, Ohio
Click the Enroll Button to register your Team(s) into our All Sanctioned World Series Tournament!

16U-18U - 5GG - Fri-Sun

18+ - 5GG - Sat/Sun Only

ATTENTION CANADIAN TEAMS - Our current system does not recognize Canadian provinces or postal codes in the required fields.  We are working to fix it but until we do please enter Alaska (AK) as your State and 99950 as your Zip Code in the required fields.  At the bottom of that same page you will see a place to enter your Canadian Province and Postal Code. 

Additionally, please put down only the deposit of $100 and then contact us so we can adjust your invoice to the Canadian rate.  Then you will be able to pay your balance due.  Paying in full when you initially register causes delays in the refund process.

Thanks for your understanding!

Program Details
  • Registration Status:
  • Regular Registration:
    Tuesday, September 1, 2020 - Friday, July 2, 2021
  • Program Duration:
    Friday, July 16, 2021 - Sunday, July 18, 2021
  • Regular Registration Cost:
    $545.00 - $695.00
Registered Teams
Team NameOfferingEnrollee
Black Widows Fastpitch16URickel
Central Ohio Pride Premier16UBowlby
Central Penn Lady Renegades 16U16UKneasel
Cincy Slammers16UTranbarger
Diamond Chix Pink16UCancilla
Diamond Jaxx - 16U16UBingle
Explosive 16u Fitztpatrick16Ux
Fire fastpitch 16u (Waitlisted)16UMorris
Fire fastpitch 16u (Waitlisted)16UMorris
Firestorm 0516UBarrett
Flash Fastpitch 0516UDumford
Freedom Elite16UStevens
Grove City Racers16UWilliams
Heart of Ohio Glory16ULinkinhoker
ICON Fastpitch16UVan Winkle
Impact Fastpitch16UTench
Indiana Phoenix 0516UWinans
Indiana Shock 0516UBaker
Kalamazoo Kings Black 16u16UPatton
Kettering Krush16UWilliams
Lady Barracudas 16U OWENS16UOwens
Lady Irish 0516UGregory
Lady Lookouts 0516UBowersock
Lady Lookouts 16U - White16UFinnegan
Lake Erie Warhawks 16u/Ortiz 16UOrtiz
Leo Pride 16U16UGibson
Levelup/Devils Fastpitch - 16U16UMonahan
Line Drive Express 16u Gold16UHill
Louisville Lady Sluggers (Morris)16UMorris
Michigan Sports Academy16UHarris
Mid-Michigan Bolts 15U16UKotenko
Midwest Astros 16U - Cleek16UCleek
MOV Pride 16-Burke16UBurke
MOV Pride 16U-Langdon16UKuhl
MOV Pride Barker16UBarker
MOV Pride16U-Baugh16UBaugh
NWO Heat 16U16UAvery
NY Inferno - Wertman16UKessel
NY Inferno/zaffram16UZaffram
OFC Heat 0416UMichaelis
OGC Shock 0516UHill
Ohio Blast 16u Keller16UKeller
Ohio Bulldawgs Elite 16U Steel16UWyatt
Ohio Classics '0416URettke
Ohio Classics 0516UGamble
Ohio Edge16UGraves
Ohio Fury - Albers16UHemmelgarn
Ohio Fury 16U Biglow16UHemmelgarn
Ohio Hawks 05 Combs16UCombs
Ohio Lasers Platinum16ULucas
Ohio Lasers White 0516UWooten
Ohio Lightning '0416UCollinsworth
Ohio Lightning 05 Pulley16UPulley
Ohio Outlaws 06 Shep16UShepherd
Ohio Outlaws Premier 05 Galownia16UGalownia
Ohio Passion 0516UDavis
Ohio Rebels Fastpitch 16u Hudson16UHudson
Ohio Thunder 0516UBronner
Passion Softball 16u16UKuban
Pittsburgh Power Pfab 0516UPfab
Pittsburgh Power Watson 16u16UWatson
Pittsburgh Predators Premier 16UCambal
Racers Youth Fastpitch 0516UBecks
Rochester Lady Lions Select 16U16UBrawn
Rock River Stix 16UPease
Shockwave swangin (Waitlisted)16UMattull
Smash House 04 Premier (Waitlisted)16UFloyd
Southwest Outlaws '0516UGreen
Steel city athletics (Waitlisted)16UNovotnak
Steel City Athletics 0516UDroz
Steel City Athletics 16U Sullivan16UHaller
Steel Valley Storm16UJones
Steel Valley Storm-Kelly16UKelly
Summit City Sluggers 16U16UWeber
Summit City Thunder16UBowers
SW Ohio Legends 16ULegends
Team Pennsylvania Panepinto 16UHershberger
The Lightning 16U Parks16UParks
Tri County Surge16UPatterson
Tri state stars 16u Harris 16UHarris
Tri-County Surge Z16UZielinski
Trojan Thunder 16U - Frigge16UFrigge
Valley Extreme16UMcDonough
Valley Storm - Williams16UWilliams
Vikings elite 0516UEplin
West Hills 0516UArnal
West Seneca Magic '05 - Bannister16UBannister
Wv Wildfire-Munday16UMunday
18U Pittsburgh Power/Moyer18UMoyer
All-American Stars - NE Indiana18UDager
Banditselite 18UDaviau
Black Widows Fastpitch18UTucker
Blackhawks Thunder 18U18UDailey
cannons - canan18UCanan
Cap City Force18UAu
Central Ohio Sting 18u18UFullen
Chaos 18U18UGarmong
Cincy TNT 18U18UMorgan
Dawg Pen 18u18UWacker
Grand Lake Vipers 18UWalley
Indiana Dreams 18U18ULynch
Indiana Irish Gold18UCurtis
Indians Dreams 202118UCox
Indy Xplosion - Davis18UDavis
IVL Impact18USchroeder
Kentucky Aftershocks 18UThomas
Krush Softball 18U18UKennedy
Lemont Lightning 18U Blue/Cliff18UCliff
Levlup/Devils Fastpitch - 18U18UMonahan
McHenry Elite - HS18UTaglia
Montgomery County Hammers18UBardonaro
MOV Pride 18U-Hutchinson18UKuhl
New Berlin Heat18UNudi
NWO Heat18USchaper
OH Thunder 18U Black18ULuckett
Ohio Chill 18URedman
Ohio Classics 0318UMcmenemy
Ohio Fury 18U18UHemmelgarn
Ohio Lightning '0318UGrissom
Ohio Lightning Prock18UProck
Ohio Pulse18UGood
Ohio Usssa Pride White 0318UJulian
Ohio Warriors18ULattanzio
Outlaws - Porter18UShepherd
Phoenix Black18UImholz
Pittsburgh Power Harvey18UHarvey
Pittsburgh RIOT "0318UBoneysteele
Pittsburgh RIOT Godzak18UGodzak
Pride Elite 18U18UMcDonald
Pride Premier-Sizemore18USizemore
ROC Elite White18UZachrich
Silver Creek - Dawson18UDawson
The Lightning 18U-Anderson18UAnderson
Thunder Fastpitch18UCorbin
Tiddz Kidz 18UBrown
Tri County Surge-Reynolds18UReynolds
USA Elite VF 0218USmith
USSSA Pride Yellow18UAlguire
Valley Extreme Angelo 0318UAngelo
West Liberty Force 18U18USmith
WV Blast18UCummings
Wvwildfire elite 18u18UCox
Ohio Hawks 23u Buffenbarger18+Buffenbarger
Cincy Magic18+Shank
Lady Lasers Blue18+Gunter
Lightning 23U18+Legut
OFC Heat 23U18+Loveless
Ohio Attack 18+18+Smith
Ohio Hawks 23u Ball18+Ball
Ohio Thunder 23U18+Hamrick
OfferingRegistration DatesCostStatus
16U 09/01/20 12:00 AM - 07/02/21 12:00 AM$695.00Closed
18U 09/01/20 12:00 AM - 07/02/21 12:00 AM$695.00Closed
18+ 09/01/20 12:00 AM - 07/02/21 12:00 AM$545.00Closed