05. 14U All Sanctioned World Series - Annual 2025

14U North American All-Sanctioned World Series July 25 - July 27, 2025

Lou Berliner Park - Columbus, Ohio

Click the Enroll Button to register your Team(s) into our All Sanctioned World Series Tournament!

All teams - 5GG - Fri-Sun

ATTENTION CANADIAN TEAMS - Our current system does not recognize Canadian provinces or postal codes in the required fields.  We are working to fix it but until we do please enter Alaska (AK) as your State and 99950 as your Zip Code in the required fields.  At the bottom of that same page you will see a place to enter your Canadian Province and Postal Code. 

Additionally, please put down only the deposit of $100 and then contact us so we can apply the Canadian Discount.  Then you will be able to pay your balance due.  Paying in full when you initially register causes delays in the refund process.

Thanks for your understanding!

Program Details
  • Registration Status:
  • Regular Registration:
    Friday, August 30, 2024 - Friday, July 18, 2025
  • Program Duration:
    Friday, July 25, 2025 - Sunday, July 27, 2025
  • Regular Registration Cost:
Registered Teams
Team NameOfferingEnrollee
14U Berkley Burn 14UCampbell
14u Cincy Slammers - Turner14UTurner
14U Premier14UWittekind
304 WV Fastpitch14ULehosit
330 Lady Bombers14UStraley
All in Aces14UOwen
Armada Fastpitch 14u14UGirvin
ARMOLOY 2K1014UNapper
Ashland Blaze 14U - Williams14UWilliams
Athletix 2011 - Schiavone14USchiavone
B&B Fastpitch 14U14UUebel
B2 Bulls- Vitale14UBlair
B45 Academy - Nahavandi14UNahavandi
Central Ohio Cyclones - Black14UToler
Central Ohio Cyclones - Blue14UToler
Chaos Harriett14UHarriett
Charge Fastpitch 13U-Rust14UNighswander
Charge Fastpitch 2010-Nighswander14UNighswander
Cincy Doom 2010 (Taylor/Herrmann)14UHerrmann
CSC 14u14UJones
Detroit Prospects 14u-Chmielewski 14UMcQueen
Diamond Chix14UGrisell
Diamond Chix Holcomb14UHolcomb
Diamond Elite 201014UHeizman
EC Ohio Legends 14URiedman
Erie Lady Outlaws14UYoung
Explosive 14u Colonna 14UColonna
Explosive Fastpitch 14u Minisall14UMinisall
Finesse 13U Warnock14UMaynard
Firecrackers OH Santos 201014USantos
Focus Fastpitch 14u14UMccans
FP Select 14U14UBrogan
Fusion Premier 2011 Herald/Becker14UBecker
Groveport Blue Lightning 14UBridges
Halton Hawks14ULefebvre
Hotshots Ohio 2k10 Premier14UWebster
Indiana Gators FWA 14u14UJordan
JABC RIOT 201014UDawson
Jackson Xtreme 14U14UPratt
KL Athletics '11 Evans14ULedbetter
KLA Athletics '1014UReed
KLA 2011- Petor14UPetor
Ky Fury Platinum 2029-Wombles14UWombles
Lady Dukes Flint 14u 14UMiller
Lady Dukes Nunley14UGerwig
Lady Dukes WV- White14UWhite
Lake Effect Athletics14UOlinger
LoCo Aftershock 14u Morrison14UMorrison
Miami Valley Xpress 14U14UWest
Montgomery Devils 14U White14UFlynn
Muskingum Valley Cyclones- Moyer14UMoyer
Naturals FP 14UGarro
North Buffalo Wildcats - Mucitelli14UMucitelli
North Coast Crushers14UKennedy
North Dayton Diamondbacks14ULocker
NT Diamond JAXX Crangle/Evarts14UCrangle
OFC Heat 2011 - Monley14UMonley
Ohio Blast 201114UBuckley
Ohio Bombers 201114UConner
Ohio Hawks 2010 Ahlers 14UAhlers
Ohio Hawks Beedy 14U14UBeedy
Ohio Lasers White '10 Troutman14UTroutman
Ohio lasers white 201114ULangwasser
Ohio Lightning-Silverthorn14UFaverty
Ohio MOJO - Allen 14UScott
Ohio MOJO - Augustin 14UScott
Ohio MOJO - Spetnagel14UScott
Ohio Outlaws Premier 2011 (Lockhart)14ULockhart
Ohio Outlaws Premier 2029/203014URuck
Ohio Outlaws Premier 2K1114UMurnahan
Ohio Passion Carter 14UDavis
Ohio Sox 14U-Fabo14UFabo
Ohio Sting Johnson14UJohnson
Ohio Sting McKenzie14UMcKenzie
Ohio Stingrays 2010 - Lackey14ULackey
Ohio Stingrays 2010 Roeth14URoeth
Ohio Storm 2K1014UConnors
Ohio Wolfpack '11 - Thewlis14UThewlis
Olentangy Softball Club 14u Purlee14UPurlee
Outcast Harris 14u14UHarris
Outcast Premier 14u14UAdams
PA Renegades 14UHibner
Parma Cheetahs 14u14UKelbacher
Patriots Shay14UShay
Pgh Riot Snyder 14USnyder
Pittsburgh Power 14u14UUrban
Pittsburgh Power Heiles 14U14UHeiles
Pittsburgh Predators 14U 14USalas
Pittsburgh Riot 14U Donahue14UDonahue
Premier OH fastpitch 14UOates
PRIDE Fastpitch14UKlockenga
SGS Magic DeMars14UDemars
Sideline Cancer14UStinson
Silverbullets-Montoya 14UMontoya
Sluggers 2k1014USchrode
Steel City Athletics Charlton/Shroyer 14u14UCharlton
T3 Mavericks - Reiley14UReiley
Thunder Elite 14u Premier Mcfann14UMcFann
Thunder Elite Sheffield14USheffield
Turnin 2 Fremont14UFremont
Turnin2 Chelenyak14UChelenyak
Unity 14u - Harper/Jones14UHarper
Velocity Heat 14u14URoble
Velocity Heat 14U-Danielle14UMcClellan
Villains Fastpitch 14u 14UMullee
Wallen Wildcats 13U14UWarstler
Warhawks Blue14UFuchs
Windsor Wildcats - Schram14USchram
Windsor Wildcats 2011 - Girimonte14UGirimonte
WV Dusters 14u-Dillow14UMorrison
OfferingRegistration DatesCostStatus
14U 08/30/24 12:00 AM - 07/18/25 11:00 PM$900.0068 Available