Thu 2/20
4:30 PM
Idea Round Rock Tech College Prep MS BOYS
AA- Pflugerville MS Boys Soccer
IDEA Round Rock
Thu 2/20
5:30 PM
Harmony School of Excellence - Central Texas
Idea Pflugerville MS Boys Soccer
IDEA Pflugervil
Thu 2/20
6:30 PM
Parmer Park Soccer MS Boys
IDEA Rundberg MS Boys Soccer
IDEA Parmer Par
Thu 2/27
4:30 PM
Harmony School of Excellence - Central Texas
AA- Pflugerville MS Boys Soccer
Thu 2/27
5:30 PM
Parmer Park Soccer MS Boys
Idea Round Rock Tech College Prep MS BOYS
IDEA Parmer Par
Thu 2/27
5:30 PM
Idea Pflugerville MS Boys Soccer
IDEA Rundberg MS Boys Soccer
IDEA Pflugervil
Thu 3/6
4:30 PM
AA- Pflugerville MS Boys Soccer
Parmer Park Soccer MS Boys
Thu 3/6
4:30 PM
IDEA Rundberg MS Boys Soccer
Harmony School of Excellence - Central Texas
IDEA Rundberg
Thu 3/6
5:30 PM
Idea Pflugerville MS Boys Soccer
Idea Round Rock Tech College Prep MS BOYS
IDEA Pflugervil
Thu 3/13
3:30 PM
Idea Round Rock Tech College Prep MS BOYS
IDEA Rundberg MS Boys Soccer
IDEA Round Rock
Thu 3/13
4:30 PM
AA- Pflugerville MS Boys Soccer
Idea Pflugerville MS Boys Soccer
Thu 3/13
4:30 PM
Harmony School of Excellence - Central Texas
Parmer Park Soccer MS Boys
HSE Austin
AA- Pflugerville MS Boys Soccer
Harmony School of Excellence - Central Texas
Idea Pflugerville MS Boys Soccer
Idea Round Rock Tech College Prep MS BOYS
IDEA Rundberg MS Boys Soccer
Parmer Park Soccer MS Boys
Thu 3/27
4:30 PM
IDEA Rundberg MS Boys Soccer
Parmer Park Soccer MS Boys
IDEA Rundberg
Thu 3/27
5:30 PM
AA- Pflugerville MS Boys Soccer
Idea Round Rock Tech College Prep MS BOYS
Thu 3/27
5:30 PM
Idea Pflugerville MS Boys Soccer
Harmony School of Excellence - Central Texas
IDEA Pflugervil
Thu 4/3
5:30 PM
Parmer Park Soccer MS Boys
Idea Pflugerville MS Boys Soccer
IDEA Parmer Par
Thu 4/3
5:30 PM
Idea Round Rock Tech College Prep MS BOYS
Harmony School of Excellence - Central Texas
IDEA Round Rock
Thu 4/3
5:30 PM
IDEA Rundberg MS Boys Soccer
AA- Pflugerville MS Boys Soccer
IDEA Rundberg