ramada #5 at Copper Sky

Enjoy a shaded spot in the heart of Copper Sky! This ramada offers the perfect base for your day of fun and recreation. While you won't find a grill here, you'll have everything else you need for a relaxing gathering.

Ramada Information:

✔️ Capacity: 1-25 Attendees

✔️ Minimum reservation time: 2 hours

✔️ Reservation must be made at least 3 days in advance

✔️ All Ramada reservations require staff approval

Rental Rates:

✔️ Residents: $10 per hour 

✔️ Local Business: $15 per hour 

✔️ Non-Residents: $30 per hour

Additional Fees:

✔️ $100 refundable cleaning deposit

Ramada Amenities:

✔️ No grill

✔️ 2 tables

✔️ Located near the skate plaza and all of Copper Sky's Courts: Tennis, Sand Volleyball, Basketball, and Pickleball.

✔️ Located right in the heart of a Copper Sky playground, restrooms, and multi-purpose fields 1-4.

ℹ️ Some Ramadas may have electrical outlets, but their functionality is not guaranteed.


⛔ No Alcohol permitted 

⛔ No Bounce House(s) permitted 

⛔ Water inflatables (e.g., water slides) are not permitted. 

Payment & Cancellation Policies:

✔️ Reservations must be paid in full at the time of booking.
✔️ An active credit card will be required to be on file in case of damages or loss of property. The applicant is responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of and not to damage, destroy, or deface (including, without limitation, affixing items to walls, floors, or ceilings of any Ramada, and taping, nailing or stapling items to any surface) any property in the facilities which include damage done by those in attendance.

✔️ All vendors and service providers must provide insurance and endorsement adding the City of Maricopa as additional insured.

ℹ️ Rental Policy

Refund Policy:

✔️ 14 days or more with written notice = full refund. 

✔️ 13 days to midnight the night before the reservation with written notice = cleaning deposit refund.  

✔️ No call, no show = 0 (zero) refund.