Track and Field schedules are now available for viewing under the download tab
For Adult Players
Did you receive a roster invitation email but have questions? This video will walk you through the roster enrollment process.
We have a rainout email notification system. This system will send out an email on any weekday when field availability is impacted by weather. Notifications are sent starting 3:30 p.m. Have your team opt in so the entire team can receive rainout notifications.
To opt in go to scroll down to Field Rainout Notification on the right column on the page and put in your email address. Please share with your teammates.
IF NO SPECIFIC FIELD CLOSURE information is listed/recorded the field is open for play. If a field is listed as CLOSED it is because it is too saturated and using it would cause damage. Please DO NOT use a field when it is listed as closed.
Report a score number206 233-2652
Questions? Contact us