Mon 2/24
5:30 PM
Groveland 3
North Dale
Battle Creek E
Mon 2/24
5:30 PM
Palace Pythons
Battle Creek Jamie
Battle Creek W
Mon 2/24
5:30 PM
Phalen 1
NW Como Blue
Hayden Heights
Mon 2/24
5:30 PM
SSP 10u
HPCC Sharks Blue
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 2/24
5:30 PM
West Minnehaha
Westside Boosters
West Minnehaha
Mon 2/24
6:30 PM
HPCC Sharks Red
Battle Creek 3
Battle Creek E
Mon 2/24
6:30 PM
Groveland 1
HPCC Sharks White
Battle Creek W
Mon 2/24
6:30 PM
HPCC Sharks Purple
WSBGC Lady Hawks
Hayden Heights
Mon 2/24
6:30 PM
Edgcumbe Green
Groveland 2
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 2/24
6:30 PM
Langford Park Navy
Westside Boosters
West Minnehaha
Mon 2/24
7:30 PM
Phalen 2
Battle Creek E
Mon 2/24
7:30 PM
NW Como Red
Battle Creek Corey
Battle Creek W
Mon 2/24
7:30 PM
Dayton's Bluff Aces
Edgcumbe Blue
Hayden Heights
Mon 2/24
7:30 PM
Langford Park White
Jimmy Lee
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 3/3
5:30 PM
WSBGC Lady Hawks
Groveland 2
Battle Creek E
Mon 3/3
5:30 PM
Langford Park White
North Dale
Battle Creek W
Mon 3/3
5:30 PM
SSP 10u
Phalen 2
Hayden Heights
Mon 3/3
5:30 PM
Westside Boosters
HPCC Sharks Red
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 3/3
5:30 PM
Edgcumbe Blue
Palace Pythons
West Minnehaha
Mon 3/3
6:30 PM
Phalen 1
NW Como Red
Battle Creek E
Mon 3/3
6:30 PM
Battle Creek Jamie
Groveland 1
Battle Creek W
Mon 3/3
6:30 PM
Groveland 3
Langford Park Navy
Hayden Heights
Mon 3/3
6:30 PM
Edgcumbe Green
HPCC Sharks Red
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 3/3
6:30 PM
West Minnehaha
West Minnehaha
Mon 3/3
7:30 PM
Battle Creek Corey
NW Como Blue
Battle Creek E
Mon 3/3
7:30 PM
Dayton's Bluff Aces
Battle Creek 3
Battle Creek W
Mon 3/3
7:30 PM
HPCC Sharks Purple
HPCC Sharks Blue
Hayden Heights
Mon 3/3
7:30 PM
HPCC Sharks White
Jimmy Lee
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 3/10
5:30 PM
Edgcumbe Blue
Langford Park Navy
Battle Creek E
Edgcumbe BLUE playing instead of Green
Mon 3/10
5:30 PM
Battle Creek 3
Battle Creek Corey
Battle Creek W
BC 3 playing in place of Groveland 2
Mon 3/10
5:30 PM
Dayton's Bluff Aces
Westside Boosters
Hayden Heights
Mon 3/10
5:30 PM
Phalen 2
HPCC Sharks Purple
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 3/10
5:30 PM
HPCC Sharks Red
West Minnehaha
Mon 3/10
6:30 PM
North Dale
HPCC Sharks White
Battle Creek E
Mon 3/10
6:30 PM
Palace Pythons
Battle Creek 3
Battle Creek W
Mon 3/10
6:30 PM
NW Como Red
HPCC Sharks Blue
Hayden Heights
Mon 3/10
6:30 PM
Langford Park White
Groveland 3
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 3/10
6:30 PM
WSBGC Lady Hawks
West Minnehaha
West Minnehaha
Mon 3/10
7:30 PM
Groveland 1
Edgcumbe Green
Battle Creek E
NO GAME - double forfeit
Mon 3/10
7:30 PM
Jimmy Lee
Battle Creek Jamie
Battle Creek W
Mon 3/10
7:30 PM
NW Como Blue
Phalen 1
Hayden Heights
Mon 3/10
7:30 PM
Langford Park White
SSP 10u
Jimmy Lee - A
Groveland 2
Mon 3/17
5:30 PM
Dayton's Bluff Aces
Battle Creek E
Mon 3/17
5:30 PM
Battle Creek Corey
Battle Creek Jamie
Battle Creek W
Mon 3/17
5:30 PM
Phalen 1
Groveland 2
Hayden Heights
Mon 3/17
5:30 PM
Edgcumbe Blue
Jimmy Lee
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 3/17
5:30 PM
SSP 10u
HPCC Sharks Red
West Minnehaha
Mon 3/17
6:30 PM
HPCC Sharks Blue
NW Como Blue
Battle Creek E
Mon 3/17
6:30 PM
Battle Creek Jamie
North Dale
Battle Creek W
Mon 3/17
6:30 PM
Westside Boosters
Palace Pythons
Hayden Heights
Mon 3/17
6:30 PM
Phalen 2
NW Como Red
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 3/17
6:30 PM
HPCC Sharks Purple
West Minnehaha
West Minnehaha
Mon 3/17
7:30 PM
Battle Creek 3
Groveland 1
Battle Creek E
Mon 3/17
7:30 PM
Groveland 3
HPCC Sharks White
Battle Creek W
Mon 3/17
7:30 PM
Edgcumbe Green
WSBGC Lady Hawks
Hayden Heights
Mon 3/17
7:30 PM
Langford Park Navy
Langford Park White
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 3/24
5:30 PM
HPCC Sharks White
Langford Park White
Battle Creek E
Mon 3/24
5:30 PM
Groveland 1
Westside Boosters
Battle Creek W
Mon 3/24
5:30 PM
Battle Creek Corey
Edgcumbe Green
Hayden Heights
Mon 3/24
5:30 PM
HPCC Sharks Red
HPCC Sharks Purple
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 3/24
5:30 PM
NW Como Red
West Minnehaha
West Minnehaha
Mon 3/24
6:30 PM
Jimmy Lee
Battle Creek 3
Battle Creek E
Mon 3/24
6:30 PM
WSBGC Lady Hawks
Langford Park Navy
Battle Creek W
Mon 3/24
6:30 PM
NW Como Blue
Phalen 2
Hayden Heights
Mon 3/24
6:30 PM
Phalen 1
HPCC Sharks Purple
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 3/24
6:30 PM
Dayton's Bluff Aces
SSP 10u
West Minnehaha
Mon 3/24
7:30 PM
Battle Creek Jamie
Groveland 3
Battle Creek E
Mon 3/24
7:30 PM
North Dale
Edgcumbe Blue
Battle Creek W
Mon 3/24
7:30 PM
Groveland 2
HPCC Sharks Blue
Hayden Heights
Mon 3/24
7:30 PM
Palace Pythons
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 3/31
5:30 PM
Battle Creek Jamie
Langford Park White
Battle Creek E
Mon 3/31
5:30 PM
Phalen 1
Edgcumbe Green
Battle Creek W
Mon 3/31
5:30 PM
Edgcumbe Blue
Groveland 3
Hayden Heights
Mon 3/31
5:30 PM
HPCC Sharks Purple
Dayton's Bluff Aces
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 3/31
5:30 PM
West Minnehaha
NW Como Blue
West Minnehaha
Mon 3/31
6:30 PM
Battle Creek Corey
WSBGC Lady Hawks
Battle Creek E
Mon 3/31
6:30 PM
Battle Creek 3
North Dale
Battle Creek W
Mon 3/31
6:30 PM
Phalen 2
Groveland 2
Hayden Heights
Mon 3/31
6:30 PM
Dayton's Bluff Aces
Jimmy Lee
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 3/31
6:30 PM
HPCC Sharks Blue
Westside Boosters
West Minnehaha
Mon 3/31
7:30 PM
Langford Park Navy
HPCC Sharks White
Battle Creek E
Mon 3/31
7:30 PM
Groveland 1
Battle Creek W
Mon 3/31
7:30 PM
HPCC Sharks Red
NW Como Red
Hayden Heights
Mon 3/31
7:30 PM
SSP 10u
Palace Pythons
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 4/7
5:30 PM
Groveland 1
SSP 10u
Battle Creek E
Mon 4/7
5:30 PM
HPCC Sharks White
Battle Creek Jamie
Battle Creek W
Mon 4/7
5:30 PM
WSBGC Lady Hawks
Phalen 1
Hayden Heights
Mon 4/7
5:30 PM
Jimmy Lee
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 4/7
5:30 PM
Groveland 2
HPCC Sharks Purple
West Minnehaha
Mon 4/7
6:30 PM
Edgcumbe Blue
Langford Park White
Battle Creek E
Mon 4/7
6:30 PM
HPCC Sharks Blue
Edgcumbe Green
Battle Creek W
Mon 4/7
6:30 PM
Battle Creek Corey
Langford Park Navy
Hayden Heights
Mon 4/7
6:30 PM
Phalen 2
Palace Pythons
Jimmy Lee - A
Mon 4/7
6:30 PM
Groveland 2
West Minnehaha
West Minnehaha
Mon 4/7
7:30 PM
North Dale
Westside Boosters
Battle Creek E
Mon 4/7
7:30 PM
Battle Creek 3
Groveland 3
Battle Creek W
Mon 4/7
7:30 PM
NW Como Blue
HPCC Sharks Red
Hayden Heights
Mon 4/7
7:30 PM
NW Como Red
Dayton's Bluff Aces
Jimmy Lee - A