30/30 Mini Flag Football and Youth Flag Football Rules
Any rules not covered in this rule book will revert to NFHS rules.
Apex Park and Recreation District shall have the final say on matters not specifically listed in this rule book.
Leagues are defined as follows:
- 30/30:
- Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten
- 1st Grade
- Youth:
- 2nd/3rd Grade
- 4th/5th Grade
- 6th/7th/8th Grade
Playoffs, Scheduling, and Tie Breakers:
- All teams will receive a 7-game guarantee.
- The top teams in each division will advance to the playoffs.
- Apex staff will determine how many teams from each division will advance to the playoffs.
- Apex reserves the right to expand playoffs if there is availability and if it is feasible for a given league.
- Teams in 30/30 leagues will not have playoffs.
- Tiebreakers in league play between 2 or more teams will be determined by the following:
- Winning Percentage
- Head-to-Head
- Head-to-Head Differential
- Total Points Allowed
- Total Points Differential
- Lowest Number of Forfeits
- Coin Toss
- The entire league fee is due at the time of registration. This also includes the jersey and flag belt if purchased.
- All players’ legal guardians must agree to the online waiver upon registration.
- To be eligible to play, players must be listed on the team’s roster on TeamSideline and be on file with Apex staff.
- Only Apex staff may add players to the team rosters.
- Teams must consist of at least 5 players, with a maximum of 14 players.
- Depending on roster size, games may be played 5v5, 6v6, or 7v7.
- Coaches will agree upon how many players will be on the field during the pregame meeting with the referees.
- Players are allowed to play up an age group but may not play down.
- Players may not appear on 2 rosters within the same division.
Forfeit Procedure:
- A team must have at least 4 players to play. Teams that have fewer than this number of players at any time during the game will forfeit the game.
- In the event of a double forfeit, each team will be credited with a loss, with the score being recorded as 0-0.
- Teams will be given a 10-minute grace period if they do not have the minimum number of legal players to begin the game. The 10 minutes will be counted as game time. If a team still does not have enough players once the 10-minute grace period has expired, they will be forced to forfeit.
- If the head coach is ejected and no assistant coach is present (who has completed all Apex requirements), the game shall end in a forfeit.
- Coaches and assistant coaches must do the following:
- Pass an Apex background check.
- Complete 3 online courses on Trusted Coaches.
- Electronically fill out and sign (DocuSign) the volunteer coach packet, which includes personal information, code of conduct, and volunteer waiver.
- Head coaches will receive free league entry for their child (limit one per team served as head coach).
- Coaches are expected to adhere to all Apex PRD rules, policies, coaching guidelines, and philosophies. This is a recreational program; all players are to be treated equally, given equal playing time and taught the fundamentals.
- Apex reserves the right to implement a forced rotation if playing time is not equally distributed.
- Coaches are encouraged to allow players to try all positions throughout the season.
- Coaches must provide players with a fun atmosphere in which they can learn and progress in a positive way.
- Coaches are responsible for the behavior of players, coaches, and parents.
- Coaches are required to select one parent volunteer to operate the scoreboard and/or hold the down marker.
- Players are required to wear an Apex-provided jersey in all games.
- The home team shall wear the light color, and the visiting team shall wear the dark color, except by agreement between head coaches.
- All leagues will use the following game ball during games, which will be provided by Apex, unless both teams mutually agree on using their own game balls for games.
- 30/30, 2nd-3rd Grade: Pee Wee (K2)
- 4th-5th Grade: Junior (TDJ)
- 6th-8th Grade: Youth (TDY)
- During practices, teams are required to provide their own footballs and other equipment.
- Players must wear triple threat flag football belts. Triple Threat flags have three flags per belt, and the entire belt is designed to come off when flags are pulled.
- The flag belt must be worn at the hip so that there is one flag at the back and one flag on both sides of the player.
- Flag belts and flags cannot be the same color as shorts or pants.
- Players are required to wear shorts or pants that do not have pockets.
- Shorts or pants with belt loops or pockets must be taped.
- Players are required to wear mouthguards.
- All players must have their jerseys tucked in. If it cannot be done, the flags must be over the untucked jersey and be fully unobstructed.
- Failure to comply will result in a flag guarding penalty.
- Steel cleats, metal spiked cleats, detachable cleats, shoes made of hard plastic/polyurethane, flip flops, or open-toed shoes will not be allowed in any league. Players will be ineligible to play until the equipment is legal.
- Illegal equipment shall not be worn by any players. This applies to any equipment which, in the opinion of the officials, is dangerous or confusing.
- It is illegal to apply any unnatural foreign substance to the ball, flags, belts, any game equipment, players, etc., for the purpose of gaining an advantage.
- Special protection devices such as glasses, sunglasses, cloth/elastic bandages, foam helmets, etc. may be worn, but hard helmets, hats, and shoulder pads are prohibited.
Playing Field:
- For 30/30 leagues, the field of play will be 40 yards from goal line to goal line with 10-yard endzones and 30 yards wide. The field will be divided into 2 equal zones of 20 yards.
- For youth leagues, the field of play will be 60 yards from goal line to goal line with 10-yard endzones and 40 yards wide. The field will have 3 equal zones of 20 yards.
- For the safety of the players, spectators should not be lined up against the sideline. There must be a reasonable amount of space between spectators and the field.
- Touchdown: 6 points
- 1-point attempt: Pass from the 5-yard line.
- Due to the “No Run” zone, the 1-point attempt can only be a pass.
- 2-point attempt: Run or pass from the 10-yard line.
- Safety: 2 points
- The defensive team scoring on an interception on a 1-point or 2-point attempt: 2 points.
- Forfeited Game: 7-0
- If the game is tied at the end of regulation, the game will go to overtime.
- The winner of the overtime coin toss will be given the choice of offense/defense or direction.
- Each team will have 1 possession consisting of 4 downs (toward the same goal line).
- Teams will start at the defensive 10-yard line (unless moved by penalty).
- If the team that was awarded the ball first scores, the opposing team will still have possession.
- Both 1-point and 2-point attempts after touchdowns are allowed in overtime.
- If teams do not score in overtime, they will go to a second overtime.
- If the game is still tied after the second overtime, the game will end in a tie. For playoffs only, overtime will still be played until there is a winner.
- Teams will be given 1 timeout and will still be able to accept penalties.
Mercy Rule:
- Once the point differential is 25 points or greater, the score shall be frozen. However, the remainder of the game will still be played.
30/30 Leagues Game Play:
- 30/30 league games will have the following breakdown:
- 24-minute practice
- 2-minute transition period
- 15-minute first half
- 2-minute halftime
- 15-minute second half
- There are no timeouts, but games may be halted to address an injury or extenuating circumstance.
- Games clocks do not stop.
- If a flag is thrown by an official, the result of the play is a loss of down. If the flag occurs on 4th down, it will result in a turnover on downs.
- The game will be 5v5.
- The team in possession of the ball shall have 4 consecutive downs to advance to the next zone. The zone line-to-gain in any series shall be the zone in advance of the ball. A new series of downs shall be awarded when a team moves the ball into the next zone. Zones are approximately 30 yards in length.
- Coaches are not permitted to be the quarterback.
- Coaches are permitted on the field before and after the snap to help their players. Once the snap occurs, coaches need to be at a safe distance until the play is completed.
- Quarterbacks shall have 5 seconds after securing the snap to hand off or throw the ball to a member of their team.
- Any formation is allowed.
- Teams may run the ball anywhere on the field. Quarterbacks are permitted to run ball after receiving the snap.
- “No Run” zones are eliminated.
- Defenders may not rush the passer unless there is a legal handoff that occurs in the backfield.
- If the ball falls or touches the ground during the snap, a “do-over” will occur with no loss of down (one per down). On a second consecutive occurrence, it will result in a loss of down.
- All other fumbles will be whistled dead immediately, and the ball will be placed at the spot of the fumble.
- Defenders must line up at least 7 yards from the line of scrimmage prior to the snap.
- All interceptions will be ruled incomplete passes.
- The defense may not cross the line of scrimmage until the ball is released by the quarterback.
- There are no free kicks or scrimmage kicks.
- If a team scores or is unable to score, the ball will be given to their opponent at the opponent’s own 10-yard line.
Youth Leagues Game Play:
- The game shall begin with a coin toss. The visiting team will call the toss.
- Each team shall designate 1 player/captain on offense and 1 player/captain on defense to communicate with the referees.
- The winner of the coin toss will decide which team shall have first possession or which direction to go in. The other captains shall decide the remaining option.
- To begin the game, the ball will be placed on the offensive team’s own 10-yard line.
- To start the second half, teams will switch directions.
- The team who received to start the game will now be on defense and the ball will be placed on the offensive team’s own 10-yard line.
- All games will consist of two 20-minute running halves. The clock will start upon the official’s ready-to-play whistle.
- The clock will stop for official and team timeouts.
- Officials can stop the clock at their discretion.
- The clock will stop inside the last 2 minutes of the second half if the score is within one possession (8 points or less). There will be no 2-minute warning or associated clock stoppage.
- Spiking the ball is only permitted in the last 2 minutes of the second half. The ball must be spiked immediately after the snap. This will stop the clock.
- The clock will stop until the snap for penalties, out-of-bounds, incomplete passes, touchdowns, extra point attempts after touchdowns, fair catches, possession changes, and/or touchbacks.
- In the event of an injury, the clock may stop until the injured player is removed from the field.
- Each time the ball is spotted, a team has 40 seconds to snap the ball.
- Coaches are permitted on the field before and after the snap to help their players. Before the snap occurs, coaches need to be at a safe distance (at the discretion of the officials) until the play is completed.
- Each team shall be given 3 timeouts, which may be used at any point during the game.
- Timeouts are 60 seconds in length.
- The referee shall notify teams 15 seconds before a charged timeout expires and shall declare the ball ready for play when the timeout expires.
- One coach may huddle with his team on the field during a timeout, or the players may come to the sideline.
- The halftime will be 2 minutes.
- After any score, the ball will be put in play at the offensive team’s own 10-yard line.
- The team in possession of the ball shall have 4 consecutive downs to advance to the next zone. The zone line-to-gain in any series shall be the zone in advance of the ball. A new series of downs shall be awarded when a team moves the ball into the next zone. Zones are approximately 20 yards in length.
- There are no free kicks, punts, or scrimmage kicks.
- All turnovers on downs will result in the ball being placed at the spot where the last play ended.
- Each offense has “No Run” zones. These begin approximately 5 yards before each line-to-gain and before each endzone.
- In these zones, the offense may not advance the ball via rush, and they may only pass.
- The defense may not rush the passer. All players must be in pass coverage.
- The defense may come as close as the line of scrimmage once the ball is snapped to cover short passes.
- If an offensive penalty occurs while a team is in the “No-Run” zone, the following play will be treated as if the ball was still in the “No-Run" zone.
- An offense may not snap the ball prior to the defensive restraining line being established except to spike the ball.
Live Ball/Dead Ball:
- The ball is live at the snap of the ball and remains live until the official whistles the ball dead.
- The official will indicate the neutral zone and line of scrimmage.
- It is an automatic dead ball foul if any player on defense or offense enters the neutral zone.
- A player who gains possession of the ball in the air is considered in bounds as long as the first foot or a body part other than the hand contacts the ground in the field of play with possession.
- The ball will become dead immediately, and an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty will be enforced if the defense attempts to confuse the offensive players while the quarterback is calling out signals to start the play.
- Substitutions may be made on any dead ball.
- Any official can whistle the play dead.
- When an official sounds their whistle inadvertently, the offense can take the ball where the whistle blew, and the down is counted, or the offense can replay the down from the original line of scrimmage.
- There are no fumbles. Ground contact does not have to be made. If the ball is fumbled forward, it will be spotted where the ball carrier lost possession. Loss of possession is a dead ball.
- Play is ruled “dead” when:
- The ball hits the ground (if the ball hits the ground due to a bad snap, the ball will be placed where the ball hits the ground).
- The ball carrier’s flag is pulled.
- The ball carrier steps out of bounds.
- A touchdown, PAT, or safety is scored.
- The ball carrier’s knee or arm hits the ground.
- The ball carrier’s flag belt falls off.
- The receiver catches the ball with no flag belt.
- The 7-second pass clock expires.
- Inadvertent whistle.
- Ball carrier leaves their feet diving or to hurdle a player.
- The ball is spotted where the ball is when the flag is pulled.
- Direct handoffs behind the line of scrimmage and quarterback keeps are allowed. Handoffs may be in front, behind, or to the side of the offensive player but must be behind the line of scrimmage. The offense may use multiple handoffs.
- The quarterback is not allowed to handoff to the center on the first handoff of the play.
- Pitches and laterals are only allowed behind the line of scrimmage.
- Any player who receives a handoff can throw the ball from behind the line of scrimmage.
- Quarterbacks are permitted to run ball after receiving the snap.
- If the ball has been handed off in front, behind, or to the side of the quarterback, the 10-second passing clock is eliminated, and all defensive players are eligible to rush.
- Teams are not allowed to run in the “No Run” zones.
- In these scenarios, the 10-second passing clock will still be implemented.
- Runners are not allowed to dive or hurdle any player while advancing the ball.
- Ball carriers may leave their feet, and play will continue for spinning and jump cuts if there is a clear indication that he/she has done so to avoid a collision with another player, and play will continue.
Ball Carriers:
- Ball carriers may not:
- Use their hand, arm, or ball to ward off or push any player.
- Grasp a teammate.
- Evade being downed by screening his/her flag with their arm, flipping their own flag, and/or illegally arranging their flags or clasp.
- All jerseys must be tucked in before the play begins. Deliberately obstructed flags will be considered flag guarding.
- Flag guarding is an attempt by the ball carrier to obstruct the defender’s access to the flags by stiff arming, dropping the head, hand, ball, arm, or shoulder, or intentionally covering the flags with the football jersey.
- The quarterback has 10 seconds to pass. If a pass is not thrown within 10 seconds, the play is dead, the down is counted, and the ball is returned to the line of scrimmage unless the play occurs in the “No Run” zone.
- Once the ball is handed off or caught, the 10-second rule is no longer in effect.
- If the quarterback is standing in the end zone and doesn’t pass the ball within 10 seconds, the ball will be returned to the line of scrimmage.
- If the quarterback throws the ball and then catches it, it will be treated as an incomplete pass.
- All passes must be thrown with one body part behind the line of scrimmage, thrown forward, and the ball out of hand prior to passing the line of scrimmage.
- There is no intentional grounding.
- The quarterback may throw the ball away to avoid a sack.
- Shovel passes are allowed.
- Only one forward pass may be thrown beyond the line of scrimmage.
- All players are eligible to receive passes. This includes the quarterback if the ball has been handed off or passed behind the line of scrimmage.
- A forward pass caught simultaneously by two opponents shall be a dead ball and shall remain with the offense.
- A catch will be deemed caught when secured by a player with at least one body part, other than a hand, lands in-bounds before the receiver is out-of-bounds.
- If the receiver is falling while they secure the ball or immediately after they secure the ball, they must maintain control of the ball until they come to a stop.
- Interceptions are returnable.
Rushing the Passer:
- All players must be a minimum of 7 yards from the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped except when the opposing team is in the “No Run” zone.
- Officials will designate a rush line before each play.
- Any number of players can rush the quarterback.
- Players rushing the quarterback are allowed to attempt to block passes.
- Teams are never required to identify rushers before the play.
- Teams are never required to rush the quarterback because the 10-second clock is in effect.
- Players may not rush the quarterback in the “No Run” zone.
- The offense may impede the rushers. The rushers must try to avoid direct contact with offensive players.
- Bull rushing is not permitted.
- Penalties may be called if:
- The rusher crosses the rush line or crosses the line of scrimmage (in the “No Run” zone) before the snap.
- This would result in a 5-yard penalty from the line of scrimmage and a first down.
- Any defensive player that crosses the line of scrimmage after the snap while the opposing offense is in the “No Run” zone.
- This would result in a 5-yard penalty from the line of scrimmage and a first down.
- Any defensive player that intentionally runs straight into or pushes an offensive player without trying to avoid contact.
- This would result in an unnecessary roughness penalty. If a player is subjected to multiple unnecessary roughness penalties, he/she may be ejected.
- Blocking is obstructing an opponent’s path with the use of the blocker’s body.
- Blocking at the line of scrimmage and downfield is permitted. Players must contact an opponent legally.
- Blocks must be above the waist and should never contact an opponent’s face.
- Upon initiating contact, the hands and/or forearms must begin at a 45-degree angle. If arms are abruptly extended with excessive force (judgment by the officials), this will constitute a penalty. Safety is paramount in enforcing this rule.
- If a player is subjected to multiple penalties due to excessive force when blocking, he/she may be subject to ejection.
- Blocking must be inside the frame of their own body.
- Blocking must be inside the frame of the opponent’s body.
- Blocks to the back (clipping) are prohibited and will constitute a penalty.
- The fingers shall be together with the palms facing the frame of the opponent.
- The hands and arms shall not be used to grasp, pull, or anything similar that illegally impedes or illegally obstructs an opponent.
- The hands or arms shall not be used to hook, lock, clamp, or otherwise impede or obstruct an opponent.
- Blockers may not leave their feet when attempting to block.
- Blindside and/or crackback blocks against an opponent are prohibited because he/she cannot see the blocker approaching.
- No player may assume a three- or four-point stance.
Flag Pulling:
- A legal flag pull takes place when the ball carrier is in full possession of the ball.
- Defenders can dive to pull flags but cannot tackle, hold, or run through the ball carrier when pulling flags.
- Defenders are not allowed to attempt to strip or pull the ball from the ball carrier.
- If a player’s flag inadvertently falls off during a play while that player has possession of the ball, the player is down immediately, and the play ends. The ball will be placed where the flag landed.
- If a player who has no flag belt gets possession of the ball, the play is dead at that spot on the field.
- A defensive player cannot intentionally pull the flags from a player who is not in possession of the ball.
Line of Scrimmage and Snapping:
- A legal snap consists of the following:
- The movement must be a quick and continuous motion of the hand or hands during which the ball leaves the hand or hands.
- The ball may be snapped between the legs of the snapper or tossed from the side, depending on the player's ability. The ball must be snapped from the lineman to a player in the backfield.
- The snapper may not kneel when snapping the ball.
- The snap ends when the ball touches the ground or any player.
- No offensive player shall be lying on the ground at or immediately prior to the snap. The penalty would result in an illegal procedure.
- Each player must be in or near the huddle. A team may not use substitutes or feign substitution to deceive the opposing team. The penalty would result in an illegal procedure.
- After a huddle or a shift, all players on the offense shall remain stationary for at least 1 second before the snap unless a motion play is called. The penalty would result in an illegal procedure.
- 1 player may be in motion at the snap. All motion must be lateral to the line of scrimmage, and no motion is permitted toward the line of scrimmage. The penalty would result in an illegal motion.
- Movement by a player who is set or a player who runs toward the line of scrimmage while in motion is considered a false start.
- Offenses must have a minimum of 1 player on the line of scrimmage (center).
- Offenses can have up to 4 players on the line of scrimmage.
Summary of Penalties:
- Games or halves may not end on a defensive penalty unless the offense declines it.
- Penalties will be assessed half the distance to the goal yardage when the penalty yardage is more than half the distance to the goal.
· Spot Fouls in End Zone:
- Defensive (ball on 1-yard line, first down)
- Offensive (safety)
· Defensive Spot Fouls:
- Defensive pass interference (automatic first down)
- Holding (+5 yards and automatic first down)
- Stripping (+5 yards and automatic first down)
· Offensive Spot Fouls:
- Charging (-5 yards and loss of down)
- Flag guarding (-5 yards and loss of down)
· Defensive Penalties:
- Defensive unnecessary roughness (+10 yards and automatic first down)
- Defensive unsportsmanlike conduct (+10 yards and automatic first down)
- Offside/illegal substitution (+5 yards from the line of scrimmage and repeat down if the penalty is accepted)
- Illegal rush (+5 yards from the line of scrimmage and repeat down if the penalty is accepted)
- Illegal flag pull (+5 yards from the line of scrimmage and automatic first down)
- Roughing the passer (+5 yards from the line of scrimmage and automatic first down)
- Taunting (+5 yards from the line of scrimmage and automatic first down)
· Offensive Penalties:
- Offensive unnecessary roughness (-10 yards and loss of down)
- Offensive unsportsmanlike conduct (-10 yards and loss of down)
- Offside/false start/illegal substitution (-5 yards from the line of scrimmage and repeat down)
- Illegal forward pass (-5 yards from the line of scrimmage and loss of down)
- Offensive pass interference (-5 yards from the line of scrimmage and loss of down)
- Illegal motion (-5 yards from the line of scrimmage and repeat down)
- Delay of game (-5 yards from the line of scrimmage and repeat down)
- Illegal procedure (-5 yards from the line of scrimmage and repeat down)
- In each facility the league utilizes, including Apex facilities, we are guests. All players and children shall follow all facilities and league rules, and all coaches and parents shall assist in their enforcement.
- Officials are authorized to issue penalties for failure to abide by facility rules.
- Failure to comply with these rules may result in removal from the league, with no refund provided.
- Any official, Apex employee, or Apex representative has the authority to require any coaches, players, or spectators to leave the facility at any time. Failure to comply, including by a spectator, may result in the game ending in a forfeit by the offending team and further action by Apex Park and Recreation District.
- Any person who engages in a physical or verbal confrontation outside the nature of football shall be disqualified from the game and will be required to vacate the facility.
- If a coach, parent, player, or spectator:
- Gets ejected for the first time: Minimum 1 game suspension.
- Gets ejected for the second time: Minimum 2 game suspension.
- Gets ejected for the third time: The individual is removed from the league.
- Adults who get ejected must leave the facility immediately. If officials deem an ejected adult is intentionally taking too long to leave and delaying the resumption of gameplay, officials have the right to assess a penalty up to including calling the game and awarding the win to the opposing team. This is a judgment call by the officials and is not subject to dispute or appeal.
- If players get ejected, they should leave the facility immediately if their guardians are present.
Smoking and Alcohol:
- No smoking or vaping of any kind will be permitted.
- No consumption of alcohol will be allowed before, during, and/or after the game anywhere on the premises. This includes water bottles or anything similar.
- Glass bottles of any kind are prohibited.
Bleeding and Injuries:
- Any participant who is bleeding, has an open wound, or has an excessive amount of blood on their uniform must leave the game.
- The participant may not return until either the bleeding has stopped, the wound has been covered and bandaged, and/or the uniform has been changed.
- A player who has been injured and requires assistance may remain in the game after they have been tended to but must exit the game while being treated so that the game may resume.
- Any player exhibiting symptoms of a concussion shall be removed for the remainder of the game.
- Apex does not provide insurance coverage for players, coaches, or spectators. You are strongly advised to check your coverage with your personal carrier to ensure you are covered for accidents/injuries, including ambulance transportation.
Inclement Weather Policy:
- Check TeamSideline for weather updates. We will make every effort to play games and reschedule only if necessary.
- In the event of a cancellation, team contacts will be notified via email/text from TeamSideline.com (individuals must register for text messages to receive them).
- If a game must be called due to inclement weather, darkness, lighting, etc., it shall be resumed from the exact point where it was stopped.
- Rainout/Makeup Policy: It is Apex’s policy to make up games as courts/fields are available. Makeup games may be required to be played on weekends and/or weeknights that differ from a team’s regularly scheduled day. If teams are not available for the scheduled makeup, they will be forced to forfeit.
- All exposed jewelry or other items that are deemed to be hazardous or potentially dangerous by the officials may not be worn during the game.
- Players are ineligible to play until the jewelry is removed.
- Apex PRD strongly recommends that no type of jewelry be worn in any league.
*Revised 8/26/2024