Adult Softball Boos and Bats Tournament Rules

Apex Park and Recreation District’s annual Adult Softball Boos and Bats Tournament is meant to be an enjoyable tournament for teams to dress in costumes, have fun, meet new people, and play the great game of softball.

Any rule not mentioned below will revert to Adult Softball League Rules.

Leagues are defined as follows:

  • Class D Upper: Teams play at a high level. At least 75% of players have above average skills with the remaining players having average skills. All players have a solid understanding of the game. These teams want to win.
  • Class D Lower: Teams have no more than 50% of players that have above average skills. The remaining players are average and/or less skilled. Teams want to win but are not competitive enough to play in the upper league.
  • Note: Leagues may be combined into an open division if there are not enough teams to be run independently.


  • The entire fee is due the Friday prior to the day of the tournament. Teams will be required to forfeit games if the entire fee is not paid prior to the tournament.
  • Teams are required to pay tournament fees and fines by credit/debit card.
  • All teams will receive at least a 3-game guarantee.

Team Rosters:

  • A roster may contain up to 20 players. All players must be 18+ years old to be eligible to participate.
  • A complete roster is required for all teams.
  • All team managers must submit their team roster via the Friday prior to the day of the tournament.
  • Players are considered ineligible until the roster invite (via email) has been accepted and signed.
  • Using inaccurate player information will result in automatic player ejection, suspension, and/or forfeit.
  • Players may not appear on 2 rosters.
  • Apex PRD staff reserves the right to remove players from the game immediately if they are not on the team’s roster. Apex PRD staff also reserves the right to forfeit games if teams are playing illegal players.
  • Teams may only use the following combination of players to bat if starting with 7.
    • 4 men/3 women
    • 3 men/4 women
  • 8 players are required to take the field.

Forfeit Procedure:

  • A team must have at least 7 players to begin. The team with seven players will become the visiting team and bat first. Teams may not take the field and play defense if they have less than 8 players (4 men/4 women). If the 8th player does not arrive once the home team comes to bat, the game will be declared a forfeit.
  • If both teams have fewer than 8 players, a double forfeit will be declared.
  • The score of a forfeited game will be 7-0. In the event a double forfeit occurs, each team will be credited with a loss, with the score being recorded as 0-0.
  • Teams will be given a 5-minute grace period if a team does not have the minimum number of players to begin. The 5 minutes will be counted as game time. If a team still does not have enough players after the 5-minute grace period has expired, they will be forced to forfeit.


  • Teams dressed in matching costumes are recommended but are not required.
  • At the beginning of each game, the umpires will be given 5 softballs: 1 new softball and 4 used softballs.
    • It is the team’s responsibility to retrieve all home run balls and foul balls.
      • The umpires and/or field supervisors reserve the right to pause the game with the game time still running until all softballs are retrieved.
    • Softballs must comply with the following:
      • ASA/USA Softball approved (USA Softball stamp on the ball)
      • 12”
      • A COR of .520
      • A compression of 300.0 lbs.
    • Bats:
      • The official bat made up of the knob, handle, grip, taper, barrel, and end cap shall be free of burs, dents, cracks, sharp edges, rattles and show no signs of excessive wear.
      • Bats must bear one or more of the following Certification Marks and must not be listed on the USA Softball and/or USSSA Non-Approved Bat List with Certification Marks.
        • Certified by Amateur Softball Association (2000)
        • ASA Certified 2004
        • USA Softball Certified
        • ASA Softball
        • USA Softball
        • USSSA (2020)
        • USSSA (2014)
        • NSA
        • ISA
      • Bats must be included on a list of approved bat models published by USA Softball and/or USSSA.
      • Wood bats made on the approved USA Softball and/or USSSA bat manufacturer list shall be legal.
      • Umpires and/or site supervisors have the right to inspect all bats. If umpires and/or site supervisors believe that a bat is illegal and/or unsafe for any reason and/or is being altered, they have the right to ban it from league play.
        • 1st Instance: A warning will be given, and the bat will be banned from gameplay.
        • 2nd Instance: The batter will be ejected, and the bat will be taken away.
      • Steel cleats, metal spiked cleats, detachable cleats, shoes made of hard plastic/polyurethane, flip flops, or open-toed shoes will not be allowed in any league. Players will be ineligible to play until the equipment is legal.

Mercy Rule:

  • Games will be called if the following occur:
    • 15-run rule after 4 completed innings (or 3-½ innings if the home team is ahead)
    • 10-run rule after 5 completed innings (or 4-½ innings if the home team is ahead)

Extra Innings:

  • If extra innings happen, they will begin with the player who recorded the last batted out (from the previous inning) on 2nd base with no outs.
    • 1-pitch at-bats:
      • Ball: out.
      • Strike (even if not swung at): out.
      • Foul Ball: out.

 Home Runs:

  • The ball must completely clear the fence to be considered a home run.
  • Batters must return to the dugout immediately after hitting a home run.
  • Coed Upper Divisions: 3 home run limits
  • Coed Lower Divisions: 2 home run limits
  • Coed Open Divisions: 2 home run limits
  • Once a team has reached its maximum number of home runs, each subsequent home run will result in an out.
  • Excessive home runs by a player or team may result in players getting removed from the lineup, which would result in the team having to take an out every time those players come up to bat.

Game Time:

  • All pre-game practice and warmups must take place in designated warmup areas only. No infield practice or batting practice will be permitted on the infield before the game. Batting practice is permitted in the outfield grass only. Violators are subject to ejection from the park.
  • Batting practice in the fence is prohibited. Violators may be ejected from the park and may be liable for damage incurred.
  • Games will last 7 innings or 30 minutes.
  • Ties are permitted in pool play games.
  • For playoffs (bracket play), extra-inning rules will apply if the game is tied after 30 minutes.
  • Managers must turn in their lineup to the umpires at the pregame meeting.
    • The supplied lineup card must be used – no paper lineups will be accepted. Lineups must also list substitutes.
      • Players/substitutes will not be allowed to play in the game if they are not listed on the lineup when it is turned into the umpire at the pregame meeting.
    • Lineups must include both the first and last name of each player.
    • Each team will be provided a copy of their opponent’s lineup.
    • All lineup changes must be announced to the umpires at the time of the substitutions.
    • Disputes about batting order changes, illegal substitutions, etc., must be communicated immediately to the umpires. Umpires will use their judgment to decide the management of these complaints.
  • The umpires have the sole responsibility for keeping track of game time and game score by running the scoreboard.
    • The starting time will begin immediately after the pregame meeting with the umpires. The home team and visiting team will always be listed on the game schedules.
    • Teams have the option of keeping score by asking the supervisors for a scoresheet before the game. Teams are encouraged to compare scores with the umpires at the end of each half-inning to ensure accuracy and agreement of scoring.
    • At the end of each half-inning, the umpires will announce how many runs were scored and will announce the updated score. Any scorekeeping disputes must be communicated to the umpires and resolved at the end of the half-inning being disputed. Otherwise, the umpires score will be determined to be the official score of record.
  • For playoffs (bracket play), the higher-seeded teams will automatically be the home team. If teams of the same seed play each other, the home team will be decided by the following (according to their pool play results): Winning Percentage, Total Points For, Total Points Against, Total Points Differential, Coin Toss.
  • Playoff games, including championships, will be timed, and mercy rules will still be in effect.

Game Play:

  • Base distances will be 65’, and the pitching distance will be 50’.
  • Teams are encouraged to dress and play in costumes.
  • Bases are run in reverse: 3rd, 2nd, 1st, home.
  • Since players run the bases in reverse, there will be no double first base (safety base). The slide or surrender rule will be strictly enforced.
  • There will be a commit line between 1st base and home plate. If the runner attempting to score passes the commit line, they cannot go back and must try and score.
  • There will be a scoring line at home plate on the 1st base side. For a run to count, runners must pass this line before the catcher possesses the ball while touching home plate. In this tournament, runners do not touch home plate when trying to score. If a runner touches home plate when trying to score, an out will be called.
  • There will be a 5' arc in front of home plate. If batters hit the ball and try running to 1st base initially, they must pass through this arc before trying to run to 3rd base, or they will be called out.
  • Pitcher’s pitch to their own team.
  • There will still be a pitcher on the defensive team for fielding purposes.
  • Both pitchers must be completely inside the 8' circle at the time of the pitch.
  • 1-pitch at bats: hit it, or you’re out.
    • Ball: out.
    • Strike (even if not swung at): out.
    • Foul Ball: out.
  • Baserunners are not permitted to lead off.
    • Baserunners are out when a baserunner fails to keep in contact with the base to which they are entitled until a pitched ball touches the ground, has reached or passed home plate, or is batted.
      • No pitch is declared, the ball is dead, and the runner is out.


  • A legal substitute is a player who has not played or batted in the game.
  • Player substitution must be man/man or woman/woman.
  • All substitutions must be brought to the umpire’s attention at the time of the substitution.

Batting Order, Ejections, Injuries, and Reentries:

  • A team is allowed to bat a maximum of 12 people in the lineup.
  • A team must have a minimum of 8 players on defense (4 men/4 women for coed).
    • If a team only has 8 players, the 9th spot will not be an automatic out.
  • Teams can add up to 10 players to their batting lineup at any time during the game.
    • For batting spots 11 and 12, players can be added if they arrive at the game before their spot in the lineup comes up. If their lineup spots pass before they arrive, the team is considered to have a maximum lineup of 10 players, and all extra players must now enter the game as substitutes.
  • The batting order must alternate gender.
    • When the lineup does not have the same number of men and women, you will still bat alternating genders. This is when you would snake the batting order.
      • For example, if you have 7 men and 5 women, there will be no automatic out. Instead, the women just get to bat more.
        • If you have 5 men and 7 women, women will bat back-to-back in this case after the initial alternating lineup.
        • The men will still follow the men, and the women will still follow the women.
        • Women can bat back-to-back, but men cannot.
      • If a player must leave the game due to any reason (leaving early, ejection, injury, etc.), that spot in the lineup will be an automatic out unless a legal substitute can replace that player.
      • An injured player is allowed to re-enter the game if necessary.
      • Any of the starting players may withdraw and re-enter once, provided such a player occupies the same batting position whenever he/she is in the lineup. A substitute who is withdrawn may not re-enter.
      • If more than 1 player/coach/manager is ejected for any reason, the game will be declared a forfeit.

Courtesy Runners:

  • Courtesy runners must be the last recorded out or the last runner to score. It must be man/man or woman/woman runners only. Courtesy runners are unlimited.
    • If a courtesy runner is on base and their turn to bat comes up, their team will take an out in their place.
    • Teams are not allowed to have a courtesy runner for a courtesy runner.
    • If a courtesy runner gets injured while on base, the original runner must take their place.

Slide or Surrender:

  • If a baserunner is approaching any base in which a fielder is in possession of a ball or a fielder is in position to receive a ball (in flight), that baserunner must avoid contact. Failure to avoid contact could result in an out being called or the player being ejected. This is a judgment call by the umpires.


  • The pitcher shall not make any motion to pitch without immediately delivering the ball to the batter.
  • The delivery must be in continuous motion.
  • The pitcher shall not use a delivery in which there is a stop or reversal of the pitching motion.
  • The pitcher shall deliver the ball toward home plate on the first forward swing of the pitching arm past the hip with an underhand motion. The palm of the pitcher’s hand may be over or under the ball.
  • The pivot foot shall remain in contact with the pitcher’s plate until the pitched ball leaves the hand.
  • The pitch shall be released at a moderate speed. The speed is left entirely up to the judgment of the umpire.
  • The ball shall be delivered with a perceptible arc and reach a height of at least 6 feet from the ground while not exceeding a maximum height of 10 feet from the ground.
  • The pitcher shall not continue any pitching motion after the ball is released.
  • The pitcher has 5 seconds to release the next pitch after receiving the ball or after the umpire indicates “play ball.”
  • Pitchers are allowed 5 warmup pitches in the first inning. At the beginning of each half inning, or when a pitcher relieves another, not more than one minute may be used to deliver not more than three warm-up pitches. Play shall be suspended during this time.
  • To help reduce the risk of injury, it is strongly encouraged that all pitchers wear face and body protection.


  • A team can never take the field with fewer than 8 players.
  • A team can have a maximum of 10 players on defense – pitcher, catcher, 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base, shortstop, and 4 outfielders.
  • For defensive positioning, there should be an equal number of men and women on the playing field.
    • If necessary, teams can have one more male and/or two more females on defense.
      • Examples:
        • 5 men/4 women or 5 women/4 men is permitted.
        • 6 women/4 men are permitted.

All Infield Players Rule:

  • All infield players must remain in the dirt (and cannot be in the grass) until the ball is hit.
    • Penalty: A delayed dead ball shall be signaled. The offense will have the option of taking the result of the play or awarding the batter 1st base.

Outfield Arch Rule:

  • All 4 outfielders must remain behind the 200’ line until the ball is hit. This applies to both male and female batters.


  • Playing music on the premises is permitted.
  • Music must be played at a reasonable level.
  • If music is offensive to anyone, it will be required to be turned off.
  • Any type of decision regarding music will be at the discretion of the umpires and/or field supervisors.


  • All exposed jewelry or other items that are deemed to be hazardous or potentially dangerous by the officials and/or Apex PRD staff may not be worn during the game.
  • Players are ineligible to play until the jewelry is removed.
  • Apex PRD strongly recommends that no type of jewelry be worn in any tournament.

Blood Rule:

  • Any participant who is bleeding, has an open wound or has an excessive amount of blood on their uniform must leave the game.
  • The participant may not return until either the bleeding has stopped, the wound has been covered and bandaged, and/or the uniform has been changed.

Inclement Weather Policy:

  • Check TeamSideline for weather updates. We will make every effort to play games and reschedule only if necessary.
  • In the event of a cancellation, team managers will be notified via email/text from (individuals must register for text messages to receive them).
  • In the event of rain or wet grounds, the officials and/or field supervisors will make the call if conditions are playable based on the city of Arvada designated criteria.
  • If a game must be called due to inclement weather, darkness, lighting, etc., it shall be resumed from the exact point where it was stopped.
    • Exception: If a game is not tied and 4-½ or 5 innings have been completed (depending on the score/home team), the game is considered complete.
  • Rainout/Makeup Policy: It is Apex’s policy to make up games as fields are available. If teams are not available for the scheduled makeup, they will be forced to forfeit.


  • If a player:
    • Gets ejected for the first time: a $25 fine in addition to a suspension. All fines must be paid before a player can return to play after serving the suspension.
    • Gets ejected for the second time: The player is removed from the tournament and cannot be anywhere near the premises.
    • Ejected players must leave the facility immediately. If officials deem an ejected player is intentionally taking too long to leave and delaying the resumption of gameplay, officials have the right to assess a penalty up to including calling the game and awarding the win to the opposing team. This is a judgment call by the officials and is not subject to dispute.

Smoking and Alcohol:

  • No smoking or vaping of any kind will be permitted.
  • No consumption of alcohol will be allowed before, during, and/or after the game anywhere on the premises. This includes koozies, water bottles, or anything similar.
  • Glass bottles of any kind are prohibited.
  • Any player, manager, coach, and/or spectator caught smoking/vaping and/or consuming alcohol anywhere on the premises by either the field supervisors or officials will be ejected and must leave the facility.
  • If a second player, manager, and/or coach is caught smoking/vaping and/or consuming alcohol anywhere on the premises, the violating team will be forced to forfeit.
  • No player, manager, or coach shall participate in the game while intoxicated.
  • Penalties for violation of these policies: Minimum 1 game suspension and $25 fine.


  • Apex PRD does not provide insurance coverage for players, coaches, or spectators. You are strongly advised to check your coverage with your personal carrier to ensure you are covered for accidents/injuries, including ambulance transportation.


  • The top 2 teams in each pool will advance to bracket play.
  • Bracket play will be single elimination.
  • Awards (maximum 14) will be given to each bracket winner.
  • Tiebreakers between 2 or more teams will be determined by the following:
    • Winning Percentage
    • Head-to-Group
    • Head-to-Group Differential
    • Total Points For
    • Total Points Against
    • Total Points Differential
    • Lowest Number of Forfeits
    • Coin Toss
  • The team voted to have the best matching costumes will also receive prizes (maximum 14).
    • At the beginning of the tournament, team managers will receive one ballot so they can vote on the best costumes. Ballots will be provided by Apex PRD staff.
    • The team manager will collaborate with his/her team to determine the best 3 costumes.
    • Teams are not allowed to vote for themselves.
    • First-place votes are worth 3 points, second-place votes are worth 2 points, and third-place votes are worth 1 point.
    • Teams must turn their ballot into an Apex PRD staff member by 2 pm for the votes to count.
    • The team that receives the most points will be the winner.
    • If there is a tie, the umpires will collaborate and decide on the winner.

*Revised 8/26/2024
