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Game: Jordan Shilts & Joseph Garcia vs. Ross Sherman & Paul Guinn (Court 2)
Tuesday 5PM Men's Upper Int. - 3rd Shot Pickleball League
Court 2 (5:00PM-6:00PM)
Game: Brandon Savoy & Elan BenAmi vs. Jacob Becker & Mark Cunningham (Court 2)
Tuesday 5PM Men's Upper Int. - 3rd Shot Pickleball League
Court 2 (5:20PM-6:20PM)
Game: Erikka Asem & Lisa Murray vs. Gina Nelson & Edie Newall (Court 2)
Monday 5PM Women's Upper Novice - 3rd Shot Pickleball League
Court 2 (6:00PM-7:00PM)
Game: Erika Sauerwein & Meghann Rettelle vs. Erikka Asem & Lisa Murray (Court 2)
Monday 5PM Women's Upper Novice - 3rd Shot Pickleball League
Court 2 (6:20PM-7:20PM)