When: Practice will start mid-July with games beginning at the end of August. We will have uniform fitting mid-july 

Where: Practices and home games held at Schaefer Athletic Complex and Bear Creek High School, away games in Jeffco Area Cost: $225 for a limited time only! *home and away jersey will be included in registration fee, families will be responsible for all equipment needed and game pants.  

Q. Who do I contact with questions about how to register my child? A. football.bcjsa@gmail.com 

Q. What does it cost to play Football in Bear Creek? A. Registration Fees for 2024 are $225 with payment plans starting at $75. Scholarship options are available with volunteer and fundraiising requirements. 

Q. What is included in the fee? A. Registration fees covers practice and playing field expenses, referee costs, JYFA fees, footballs and team equipment. 

Q. Do we have to participate in a fundraiser? A. Each player in the league will be asked to sell candy bars to raise money for BCJSA and keep the cost of registration as low as possible. .  YOU MAY CHOOSE TO OPT OUT OF THE FUNDRAISER by donating to the program directly.  You most likely will be asked to do some sort of fundraising for your team.  All money raised in the TEAM fundraiser, if your team chooses to do so, will be used for the teams choosing. 

Q. What is the refund policy? 

A. If you withdraw your player after the first practice of the season and they have been officially rostered on a team you will NOT receive a refund. You will only receive a refund if you withdraw your player prior to the start of practices.  Processing fees are non-refundable. 

Q. How often are practices? 

A. For 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th grade team practices are held up to three times per week (Monday-Friday). 6th 7th and 8th grade teams may practice up to four times per week (Monday-Friday). Practices are typically two hours per night. Practices for each team are at either Schaefer Athletic Complex, or Bear Creek High School.  Additional practice facilities may be added as needed. 

Q. When will practices start? 

A. Official Practices starts mid-late July. Contact your coach for summer workout schedules  

Q. What are weigh-ins? Are they mandatory? A. Weigh-ins take place every year. If a player is heavier than a certain weight on the day of weigh-ins (based on grade level) he will be patched.  Patched players must start each play on the line of scrimmage for safety reasons, but may still have an opportunity to catch the football and score touchdowns. Weigh-ins are mandatory and will take place in August.  Specific date/time will be announced at a later date. 

Patch weights are shown below:          

                                                      Patch Weight (per grade level) shall be as follows:                 

                                                     2nd grade, 75 lbs.                 

                                                     3rd grade, 85 lbs.                 

                                                     4th grade, 95 lbs.                 

                                                     5th grade, 105 lbs.                 

                                                     6th, 7th, 8th grade no backfield weight limitations.

Q. How many, when and where are the games? 

A. There are 8 games in the season. There is usually only one game per week which usually takes place on Saturday. (Note: Some teams might be required to play on a week night evening or on a Sunday). Away games are as far as Highlands Ranch to the south and Brighton to the north.  Home games are at Schaefer Athletic Complex.  

Q. When will the game schedule be released? 

A. Game schedules will be provided to your coach on the day they are given to us by JYFA. Please be patient as scheduling does not occur until mid-August.