All registration and payments will be done online through Teamsideline. Parent's will have to create an account that will stay with the family and player each year.
Any child that lives in Bronte or surrounding communities are eligible to play.
The BLLB board members will meet within 5 days of late registration closing to determine teams and teams will be posted that evening on TeamSideLine. Season will begin following the opening ceremony.
Divisions are determined by the age of the player on or before August 31, 2024. You can refer to the Little League age chart here.
Yes, All players must have a copy of their birth certificate on file to be assigned to a team and eligible to play. Parents/Guardians will upload a copy of the birth certificate into TeamSideLine.
Players can be between the ages of 3 years old - 6 years old to play on a BLLB T-Ball Team.
Players are allowed to play up a division, but may not under any circumstances play down a division.
We require that all players participate in fundraising or you can pay the "Fundraising Opt Out Fee" during registration.