Welcome to Grand Prairie Family YMCA

Registration for Winter Basketball is OPEN

Early registration closes DECEMBER 1st!

Late registration closes DECEMBER 21st!

Currently you have no schedules.

REGISTER for Youth League Sports

Spring/Fall Soccer Click Here

Spring/Fall Flag Football Click Here

Spring/Fall Volleyball Click Here

Cheer Clinic Click Here

Summer/Winter Basketball   Click Here

Summer T/Baseball   Click Here

Any questions? Contact us.

Volunteer Criminal Background CBC Registration link


All volunteer coach, head and assistants must register for a Criminal Background Check (CBC) every season, every sport.

New volunteers must register for a new account and complete their CBC and Athlete Protection (AP) training.

Returning volunteers must re-login and update their profile.  Verify Background Check and Athlete Protection (AP) training are not expired.

CBC:  https://ymcadallas.volunteermatters.org/project-catalog/257

Find Team Schedule
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