Code of Conduct Violation

Code of Conduct Violation Report
Your Name
Your Phone Number
Your Email
What is Your Role with the FYBA?
Fill this in if you selected OTHER from the dropdown menu above
Were You a Witness to the Incident?
Date of the Incident
Open the calendar popup.
Time of the Incident
Details of the Incident
Explain in detail what occurred.
Person's Name That You're Reporting
Person's Division/Team That You're Reporting
What Role Does This Person Have with the FYBA?
Other Role
Name of Others Involved
Only fill this out if others were involved
Division/Team of Others Involved
Only fill this out if others were involved
Were Other Organizations Notified?
Only fill this out if an external agency was notified
Contact Person from Organization.
Have Someone with the FYBA Been Notified?
Only check this box if someone with FYBA was notified
Name of FYBA Member
Please provide the name of the FYBA member that will be reviewing and following up on this report

Required Fields