Field Rental Application

Please fill out the form below to apply for one of our Local Use Field Rental Seasons. We are currently accepting applications for:

Spring/Summer Season 2025: February 25- March 17

 We are only accepting applications for the above season at this time. All other applications will be REJECTED.

Organization Name
Contact Person
Phone Number
Email Address
Exemption Status
Rental Description
Please include age group and reason for rental. Example: 14U Girls Fastpitch Softball Practices
Type of Sport
Season Start Date
Open the calendar popup.
Choose Start Date of your Rental Request
Season End Date
Open the calendar popup.
Choose End Date of your Rental Request
Rental Start Time
Rental End Time
Preferred Day(s)
Which day(s) do you wish to rent? Example: Mondays and Wednesdays
Alternative Day(s)
Which day(s) do you wish to rent in case your Preferred Day(s) are unavailable? Example: Tuesdays and Thursdays
# of Fields Desired
Additional Info
Use this area for any additional information regarding your request. Example: 35' pitching mound desired.
Term 1
Prior to contract start date, you are required to submit: a signed facility rental contract, valid insurance with "Seminole County" listed as additionally insured, and all applicable deposits and/or payments.
Term 2
In case of inclement weather and/or ThorGuard Lightning Prediction System is activated, all activities must cease and fields or courts must be cleared immediately and participants should seek shelter.
Term 3
Park reserves the right to cancel field rentals at any time due to weather, tournament, or maintenance needs. Park staff will have final say as to whether or not playing surface is playable. A credit will be issued if cancellation occurs.
Term 4
All hitting and pitching must be done in the clay or warning tracks only. Warm up in designated areas. PLEASE DO NOT WARM UP OR PERFORM DRILLS DIRECTLY ON FOUL LINES.
Term 5
Batting Cages contain synthetic turf hitting mats. Please NO metal cleats in batting cages! (Tennis shoes and Non-Metal cleats are appropriate.)
Term 6
Anchored equipment such as pitching mounds, bases, etc. may not be moved without prior permission by Park staff.
Agree to Terms
I've read and agree to all conditions for rental at BOOMBAH Soldiers Creek Park. I understand that failure to adhere to these terms may result in termination of rental agreement. Parks Division reserves right to refuse play to any group or individual
Required Fields