Adult Indoor Volleyball Rules (4v4)

Apex Park and Recreation District Adult Volleyball Leagues are governed by USA Volleyball rules with the following exceptions and modifications:

Leagues are defined as follows:

  • A (Competitive): Consists of teams with skill levels ranging from advanced to intermediate/experienced.
  • BB (Intermediate): Consists of teams with a solid skill level and understanding of the game and rules.
  • B (Recreational): Consists of teams with a basic skill level and understanding of the game and rules.

Note: Teams who have won or placed in the top 2 previous lower recreational leagues may be moved to the upper division the following season. Apex Park and Recreation District has the right to determine the placement of teams.

Note: Leagues may be combined if there are not enough teams to be run independently.


  • The entire league fee is due by the first game. Teams may be required to forfeit games if the entire league fee is not paid by the first game.
  • Teams are required to pay league fees and fines by credit/debit card.

Team Rosters:

  • A roster may contain up to 8 players. All players must be 18+ years old to be eligible to participate.
  • A complete roster is required for all teams. All team managers must submit their team roster via before the first game. Players are considered ineligible until the roster invite (via email) has been accepted and signed.
    • All team rosters will be frozen after the 4th game. Teams have until that time to add and/or drop players.
  • Using inaccurate player information will result in automatic player ejection, suspension, and/or forfeit.
  • Players may not appear on 2 rosters within the same division.
  • All players must play a minimum of 2 league games to be eligible for postseason play.
  • Teams who use substitutes must have those players added to their roster prior to playing. These players may not be on another roster for any other team within the division. If the player is on multiple rosters within the division, that player is ineligible.
  • For coed leagues, teams may play with any of the following combinations of players.
    • 1 male/1 female
    • 2 males/1 female
    • 1 male/2 females
    • 1 male/3 females
    • 2 males/2 females


  • Matching jerseys are recommended for league play but are not required.
  • Athletic shoes are required.
  • Coed leagues will play at the 7’9 5/8” net height. Women’s leagues will play at the 7’4 1/8” net height.
  • All teams must provide their own indoor balls.

Forfeit Procedure:

  • A team must have at least 2 players to play.
  • If both teams have fewer than 2 players, a double forfeit will be declared.
  • The score of a forfeited game will be 21-0. In the event a double forfeit occurs, each team will be credited with a loss, with the score being recorded as 0-0.
  • Teams will be given a 10-minute grace period if a team does not have the minimum number of players to begin. The 10 minutes will be counted as game time. If a team still does not have enough players after the 10-minute grace period has expired, they will be forced to forfeit.
  • If a team needs to forfeit, managers must contact the recreation coordinator by 4 pm on the scheduled game day. If notified properly, there may be no forfeit fee charged to the team.
    • A forfeit will result in a $25 fine issued to the team. All fines must be paid before the team is able to play their next game.
    • A no-call/no-show will result in a $50 fine issued to the team. All fines must be paid before the team is able to play their next game.
    • If a team has 2 no-calls/no-shows in the same season, the team may be removed from the league, and zero refunds will be provided.

Game Play:

  • A coin toss will be conducted at the start of the match by the teams. The winner may choose to serve or choose the side of the court.
  • Teams will change sides after the first game.
  • A coin toss is repeated for the third game.
  • All league matches will consist of 3 games played to 21 points (23-point cap).
    • If time becomes a factor, the 3rd game may be played up to 15 points (17-point cap).
  • Rally scoring will be used, and teams must win by 2 points.
  • Playoff matches will be played best 2 out of 3. These games will be played to 21 points (23-point cap).
    • Rally scoring will be used, and teams must win by 2 points.
    • If needed, the third game will be played to 15 points (17-point cap).
  • Teams are allowed 1 30-second timeout per game.
  • No antennas will be used.
  • Inside the pole is fair.
  • Outside the pole is out.
  • All matches are self-officiated, and teams will record their own scores. Those scores must be reported to the site supervisors after games have been completed.


  • A let serve (a serve that hits the net but goes over) is allowed.
  • If the server tosses the ball and lets the ball drop on the court first (due to a bad toss), a re-serve is permitted. However, if the server catches the toss or touches the ball before letting it hit the ground first, a serving fault is called, a point is awarded to the other team, and the opposing team now gets to serve.
  • In coed leagues, the service order must alternate male/female when possible.

Playing the Ball:

  • No open-hand dinks.
  • A serve may be received by any legal hit. You may set the serve.
  • If the ball is set over the net with hands, the ball must be contacted above the shoulders and must be directed in front of or behind the person setting the ball (no side sets over the net).
  • The first ball over the net may be a double contact, but not a lift.
  • Any part of the body may be used to play the ball if it doesn't result in a lift or carry.
  • A block at the net does not count as a first touch.
  • In coed leagues, a woman must contact the ball before it goes over the net if more than one hit occurs.
  • Teams may substitute a player for a player or may substitute out of the middle back row.
  • A player may go under the net (cross the centerline) if it does not interfere with the opponent’s play.
  • If there is a game scheduled on an adjacent court, players are not permitted to continue to play on the ball.
  • The subsequent result is a stop in play and a point for the other team.
    • Example: Team A serves to team B. The ball hits off a player on team B and goes airborne to the adjacent court. The play is now dead.
  • Any ball that rolls into the back of a court will be ruled a judgment call by the teams.
    • Example: A ball from court 1 rolls onto court 2. The teams will decide if the current play is in jeopardy. If so, a replay of the point is permitted.


  • All exposed jewelry or other items that are deemed to be hazardous or potentially dangerous by the officials may not be worn during the game.
  • Players are ineligible to play until the jewelry is removed.
  • Apex strongly recommends that no type of jewelry is worn in any league.

Blood Rule:

  • Any participant who is bleeding, has an open wound, or has an excessive amount of blood on their uniform must leave the game.
  • The participant may not return until either the bleeding has stopped, the wound has been covered and bandaged, and/or the uniform has been changed.

Inclement Weather Policy:

  • Check TeamSideline for weather updates. We will make every effort to play games and reschedule only if necessary.
  • In the event of a cancellation, team managers will be notified via email/text from (individuals must register for text messages to receive them).
  • In the event of rain or wet grounds, the officials and/or field supervisors will make the call if conditions are playable based on the City of Arvada designated criteria.
  • If a game must be called due to inclement weather, darkness, lighting, etc., it shall be resumed from the exact point where it was stopped (for example, a game stopped at the top of the 6th inning will revert to the end of the 5th).
    • Kickball/Softball Exception: If a game is not tied and 4-½ or 5 innings have been completed (depending on the score/home team), the game is considered complete.
  • Rainout/Makeup Policy: It is Apex's policy to make up games as courts/fields are available. Makeup games may be required to be played on weekends and/or weeknights that differ from a team’s regularly scheduled night. If teams are not available for the scheduled makeup, they will be forced to forfeit.


  • If a player:
    • Gets ejected for the first time: a $25 fine in addition to a suspension. All fines must be paid before a player can return to play after serving the suspension.
    • Gets ejected for the second time: a $50 fine in addition to a suspension. All fines must be paid before a player can return to play after serving the suspension.
    • Gets ejected for the third time: The player is removed from the league.
  • Ejected players must leave the facility immediately. If the supervisors deem an ejected player is intentionally taking too long to leave and delaying the resumption of gameplay, the supervisors have the right to assess a penalty up to including calling the game and awarding the win to the opposing team. This is a judgment call by the supervisors and is not subject to dispute.

Smoking and Alcohol:

  • No smoking or vaping of any kind will be permitted.
  • No consumption of alcohol will be allowed before, during, and/or after the game anywhere on the premises. This includes koozies, water bottles, or anything similar.
  • Glass bottles of any kind are prohibited.
  • Any player, manager, coach, and/or spectator caught smoking/vaping and/or consuming alcohol anywhere on the premises by either the field supervisors or officials will be ejected and must leave the facility.
  • If a second player, manager, and/or coach is caught smoking/vaping and/or consuming alcohol anywhere on the premises, the violating team will be forced to forfeit.
  • No player, manager, or coach shall participate in the game while intoxicated.
  • Penalties for violation of these policies: Minimum 1 game suspension and $25 fine.


  • Apex Park and Recreation District does not provide insurance coverage for players, coaches, or spectators. You are strongly advised to check your coverage with your personal carrier to ensure you are covered for accidents/injuries, including ambulance transportation.


  • The top teams in each division will advance to an end-of-season single-elimination tournament.
  • Awards will be given to tournament winners (maximum 6).
  • Tiebreakers in league play between 2 or more teams will be determined by the following:
  • Winning Percentage
  • Head-to-Head
  • Head-to-Head Differential
  • Total Points For
  • Total Points Against
  • Total Points Differential
  • Lowest Number of Forfeits
  • Coin Toss

*Revised 12/10/2024
