Sunday Morning Adult Indoor Soccer Program
Winter session runs 8 weeks and is held on Sunday mornings from 6:45-8:45 a.m. in a "pick-up game" style. Cost of this 8-week session is $80. Sign up as an individual; players will be grouped into teams and length of games determined each Sunday.
Each participant is required to bring a black (or dark blue), yellow (or bright orange) and white shirt (as no scrimmage vests will be available), water bottle, and shin guards covered by socks. Indoor or outdoor soccer shoes are allowed. Shoes must not have any metallic material or screw-in cleats.
All players must be enrolled in the program and on the roster to be allowed entry into the building.
No spectators/non-players are allowed in the facility.
Maximum is set for 2 fields, currently at 48. Registration will close 2/18 or when full, prior to that date, so register early.