Apex Adult Hockey League Fall 2023 - Fall 2023

  • The Apex Adult Hockey League (AAHL) is a competitive, non-check adult hockey league that plays at the Apex Center Ice Arena.
  • Coed divisions for ages 18+ are offered with three seasons played annually: winter (January-April), summer (May-August), and fall (September-December). Evening adult divisions play a 10-game regular season followed by single-elimination playoffs.
  • The AAHL is dedicated to providing a safe, positive environment and enjoyable recreational experience for participants and officials. Good sportsmanship towards opposing players and officials is expected at all times, and players will be removed if they do not act accordingly.
  • Zero tolerance policy towards negative behavior and abuse of officials or league staff.
  • If you are a free agent, do not register. It will attempt to charge you the full team fee.
  • Free agents should fill out the free agent form at this link, email ApexHockey@ApexPRD.org or call 303.463.4293 and let us know which division you are interested in and give us your contact information (phone and email), age, and playing experience. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee placement for free agent inquiries.
  • The league schedule is subject to change.
  • League fees are non-refundable. 
  • Registration Priority:

    1. Currently registered teams in good standing who want to remain in their current division. 
    2. Currently registered teams in good standing who want to move divisions. 
    3. Outside inquiries will then be considered. 

    Please do not register a team without prior approval of the Apex Hockey Coordinator. 

Program Details
  • Registration Status:
  • Regular Registration:
    Sunday, July 23, 2023 - Wednesday, December 20, 2023
  • Program Duration:
    Sunday, September 10, 2023 - Wednesday, December 20, 2023
  • Regular Registration Cost:
OfferingRegistration DatesCostStatus
Over 40 07/23/23 12:00 AM - 12/20/23 12:00 AM$3,800.00Closed
Low D 07/23/23 12:00 AM - 12/20/23 12:00 AM$3,800.00Closed
High D 07/23/23 12:00 AM - 12/20/23 12:00 AM$3,800.00Closed
Low C 07/23/23 12:00 AM - 12/20/23 12:00 AM$3,800.00Closed