Apex Sunday Coed Soccer Leagues - Only Managers register through this site!
TEAMS: Do not go through this process, you must call 303.431.9600 to register. If
you register online and bypass this message, your registration will not
be processed and team will not be added.
Team Managers: Complete this registration process to register your team and enable players to register for your team. You will need to have email addresses for your players.
Players: If you are not a manager, do not go through this process. You will receive an email from this site after your manager registers. Click on the link in that email and sign in using the email address you received the email at so you can register to be a player on the team of your team manager. You must complete the player registration process and pay (by credit/debit card) at checkout. Do not click the Enroll button below -- it is only for team managers.
VERY IMPORTANT: The Apex Field House does not allow outdoor soccer shoes with bladed plastic cleats. Indoor or turf shoes with round, rubber cleats must be worn at all times.
Any questions or issues with registering, please call the Apex Field House at 303.431.9600.