Panthers K/1 Cheerleading
Cost: $465.00
Not Included in the above price:
Mandatory Fundraiser $150.00
Slush Fund: $50.00
Practices begin May 15, 2025
This is for Sideline & Competition Cheer
Games begin the last week in August
Playoffs begin in mid-November with the possibility of Super Bowl Game mid-November.
What are the eligibility requirements?
Your athlete must be in kindergarten and/or 1st grade during the fall season of the current year. Your athlete will be assigned to a squad based on the grade level.
When does the season begin?
The season starts May 15, 2025, and ends mid-November.
When are practices?
o K/1: Mondays 4:30 – 5:45 & Thursdays: 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Where are practices?
Practices are held at our practice facility 1197 N Gary Ave, Carol Stream, IL 60188
How many competitions will K/1 attend?
K/1 attend one ICA competitions. This competition will be decided by the board and announce mid-June.
What is included in your registration:
Competition Bow, Pink Bow, Competition Gift, Banquet, Participation Trophy, 1 ICA Competition, Professionally Mixed Music, Showcase, Indoor Practice Space, Game Day/Practice Uniform, Competition Uniform, Practice T-shirt
*Mandatory Raffle Cost: $150.00 per athlete
*Mandatory Slush Fund Cost: $50.00 per athlete
*(These two costs are not included in the above price)
Will I have to do fundraising?
To keep registration costs down, cheerleaders will participate in one fundraiser totaling $150 which is paid at the time of registration but not included in the above cost of registration. The raffle tickets will be distributed during the athletes first practice week and raffle stubs must be turned back in by a designated date made by the program that is yet to be determined.
What is the refund policy?
Refunds must be requested in writing before May 1, 2025, with a $100.00 penalty fee (less the cost of raffle tickets, and uniform)
No refunds will be provided after May 1, 2025, for any reason, including injury.
Do we travel for football games?
No, we will only cheer at home games (GBN football field) Only travel for Super Bowl Games in Mid- November if applicable.
Do we cheer at games during the weekends of Competitions?
No, we will not cheer on weekends when we have competitions.
Are uniforms and shoes included in the registration?
Uniforms are included in your registration costs. Shoes are NOT included in the registration cost and will need to be purchased separately. Estimated cost for shoes runs from $55.00 to $100.00. You will be able to pick the shoe of your choice.
Do we cheer in the rain?
Yes, if the football players are playing, we will be cheering. Most of the time tents will be put up by parents/coaches to keep the athlete out of the rain.
How early do we need to be at the games?
Athletes are expected to arrive 15 minutes prior to game time. If an athlete is not there 15 minutes prior, they will be unable to perform at halftime. p.