CJO is a recipient of a Wes Leonard Heart Foundation AED machine

The CJO program strives to make player safety the number one priority in our program. With the invention and widespread availability of AED machines, we saw the opportunity to ask for help in obtaining one. We are extremely grateful to be identified as one recipient of an AED donation from the Wes Leonard Heart Foundation. This machine is expected to be gifted in June to the organization. This machine will be housed at Mac Gobel Field.

Successful CJO Golf Outing raises thousands

The third annual CJO Golf outing fundraiser occurred on June 2, 2024 at Centennial golf course. We extend a sincere thank you to all of our sponsors, donors, volunteers, and golfers for another successful year. This year, we were able to raise several thousand dollars for our youth football program. These funds allow us to safely and properly equip players for their upcoming season.