Registration Dates
FALL-July 1 (City Residents)
July 15 (All participants)
Baseball (age as of Sept. 1st)
Softball (age as of June 1st)
SPRING-January 1 (City Residents)
January 15 (All participants)
Baseball (age as of May 1st )
Softball (age as of Jan. 1st )
*Registration is held through the month or until full
*Make-up games will take place on Saturday after last regular scheduled season game
Age Groups
3-4 Tee Ball Instructional (Spring)
5-6 Co-ed Baseball
7-8 Boys Baseball
9-10 Boys Baseball
11-12 Boys Baseball
13-15 Boys Baseball
7-8 Girls Softball
9-10 Girls Softball
11-12 Girls Softball
13-15 Girls Softball