Coaching Code of Conduct

All volunteer coaches will complete the Coaching Code of Conduct form for each sport season.  Please see the form below and submit your information.

Volunteer Coach Code of Conduct

Volunteer coaches are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times while coaching players in any sport at the Gurnee Park District.  The following guidelines are designed to provide safe and enjoyable activities for all participants.

 Volunteer coaches shall:

  • Show respect to all participates, staff and officials.
  • Take direction from league supervisor.
  • Refrain from using abusive or foul language.
  • Refrain from causing bodily harm to self, other participants, staff or officials.
  • Show respect for equipment, supplies and facilities.
  • Follow Coaches Code of Ethics, Youth Sports Mission Statement and Program Philosophy for Youth Athletics.


A positive approach will be used regarding discipline.  The Gurnee Park District reserves the right to dismiss a volunteer coach whose behavior is not consistent with expectations listed above.

 If a volunteer coach exhibits inappropriate actions or behaviors, the following guidelines will be followed:

Step 1: Verbal Warning

Coach will be talked to by phone, through e-mail or in person letting them know that this action and/or behavior will not tolerated. 

Step 2: Game Suspension

The coach has continued to display this action and/or behavior which will result in being asked to sit out for the next game.  The Athletic Supervisor and the coach will have a sit down meeting.  This will need to be done before the coach is welcome to continue his/her coaching responsibilities even after the suspension has been served.

Step 3: League Expulsion

The coach will be expelled from the league if they receive a third warning.  The Athletic Supervisor and the Director of Recreation will meet with the coach and explain why they have been removed from the league.        

 Please complete the form below and date stating that you have read over this, understand and agree with items listed above.

Full Name
Sport Coached
Please select the sport you are currently coaching
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Please select today's date
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