• 6/15/2025 - Registration Opens 
  • 7/20/2025 - Registration Closes 
  • 7/31/2025 - Team Rosters
  • 8/5/2025 - Team Waivers and Proof of Insurance are Due 
  • 8/12/2025 - Practices begin this week
  • 8/18/2025 - First games 
  • 8/31/2025 - No games (Labor Day Weekend) 
  • 10/7/2025- Last regular season games 
  • 10/12/2025 - Playoff weekend (single elimination) 
  • 10/1/2025 - Backup date for playoffs

fall season information

  • What ages can play Fall Baseball?  We will have players ranging in age from 6 years old (min age as of 4/30/2026) and up to 13 years old. Players will play at the league age they are expected to play next Spring/Summer. The idea is to get players ready for the field sizes they will encounter next spring/summer. Players in high school CANNOT participate in the fall league.
  • What days are the games?  Games are only played on Sundays. Players in the modified kids pitch age group will play single games lasting 1hr 30 min. Players 9-14 will play double headers lasting 1hr 45min.
  • What if I want to bring a full team?  If you want to collect the money, don't need a practice field, don't need jerseys, and don't need insurance please register your team as a whole using the TEAM registration.  If you only need team insurance, there is a suggestion on our FAQs page, or you can search the internet for companies to purchase insurance.
  • What if I have a partial team?  We can assist you in filling your team. Please provide a list of players to us so that we can make sure they are rostered on your team.
  • Are there tryouts for fall baseball?  There are no tryouts for fall baseball when registering through the JSC. Players can sign up individually and we place players, as best as we can, with like skilled players based on questions answered in the registration. South Jeffco typically holds tryouts in July for their spring programs. More information on spring can be found at southjeff.org.
  • What if I do not have a team or coach?  Not a problem, we are always in need of players at all levels of ability to participate on teams. We attempt to place you on a like skilled team.
  • What is included in CP/MKP registration?  Coach Pitch and Modified Kid Pitch - Get a 6 game season, jersey, practice time and a single elimination end-of-season tournament with trophies for winner & runner up teams. If rainouts occur, we will do our best to get a make up game either by adding a game to Sunday or adding a game Monday through Saturday. Not all cancelled games are guaranteed to be able to be made up.
  • What is included in the 9 & Up division?  9 & UP - 6 weeks of jam packed Sundays playing 12 games, Jersey, practice once a week and a single elimination end-of-season tournament with trophies for the winner and runner up teams. If rainouts occur, we will do our best to get a make up game either by adding a game to Sunday or adding a game Monday through Saturday. Not all cancelled games are guaranteed to be able to be made up.
  • Where and When are the games?  All games are normally played at Clement Park, Columbine Sports Park (K&E), Dante field, Lakewood Addenbrooke Park, Lakewood Link, Lakewood Park, Marker Park, Peak (Easton South), Schaefer Athletic Complex, and local high school fields. Games are played throughout the day from 8 am to 8 pm.
  •  How many games can we expect?  CP/MKP players will be scheduled to play six regular games (no doubleheaders) plus the post season tourney (7-9 games in all). 9 - 14 year-olds will be scheduled to play 12 regular season games (6 double header Sundays), plus a post season tourney (13-15 games in all). If rainouts occur, we will do our best to get a make up game either by adding a game where we have availability.
  •  Is there a make-up day?  We schedule a Sunday after the scheduled end-of-season tournament as a make-up day should that get cancelled due to weather. Please keep that date open just in case.
  • When are practices?  We provide individual registration teams a 1-2 hour practice slot on a Littleton/Lakewood area field during the week. If additional slots are open, coaches can request additional time. We also have outdoor batting cages. Practice frequency, dates and times is up to the coach, but most practice once during the week. We cannot place players based on practice day requests.
  • How to register?  Click on the upper left corner - Sign In. Once you have created a profile choose: MY ACCOUNT, PLACE ORDER, ENROLLEE, ENROLLMENT TYPE (PLAYER), PROGRAM - 2025 Fall Baseball INDIVIDUAL Player Registration, ADD ENROLLMENT, PROCEED TO CHECKOUT, complete the registration and pay.
  • When do we know what team we are on?  After registrations closes rosters will be formed and we attempt to notify coaches the first week of August of their roster. Coaches will be notified of their division once games schedules are complete.
  • What uniforms do the kids wear?  If you register as an individual:  The league provides a t-shirt/jersey for each player who registers independently. We do not provide caps for players in order to keep registration costs to a minimum. Players may use any cap and baseball pants, as well as other personal uniform accessories (sliding shorts, protective cup, long socks, baseball cleats). Metal cleats are allowed for the 13 and 14 age groups only with restrictions.  If you register as a team:  Your team will be responsible for their own uniforms.
  • What types of bats are allowed in Fall?   All metal bats must be stamped as BPF 1.15 (Bat Performance Factor), USSSA, USBAT or BBCOR and not be listed on USSSA withdrawn/disallowed bat list. Wood bats are also allowed. It is encouraged for 14s to transition to BBCOR drop 3 (-3) per HS requirements. Info: https://www.usssa.com/baseball/baseball-withdrawn-andor-non-compliant-baseball-bat-models
  • What equipment is provided?  Fall Baseball is operated at a low cost. We will provide new baseballs per game. No other equipment is provide to teams. Reach out to your coach, they may have some extra equipment. Make sure your player has his/her own cleats, approved helmet, approved bat & glove. Optional PPE items such as a cup or heart guard are recommended. Anyone playing catcher must be wearing full catchers gear & cup.
  • How many umpires will be at my game?   The Jeffco Coop hires a third party umpire provider for its officials and every effort is made to provide two umpires per game to 9 - 14u age groups; however, with the ongoing national shortage of umpires some games will only have one umpire present and regrettably some games may not have any present. For Coach Pitch or Modified Kid Pitch we provide 2 youth umpires when available.  No refunds or credits will be issued towards games with no umpires present.
  • Who should use the TEAM registration?  Anyone who is bringing a full team, has their own practice fields, own jerseys and own insurance.  If you you do not have all of these, please contact office@southjeff.org before registering.
  • Who should use the INDIVIDUAL registration?  Anyone who does not have a team, or whose coach has instructed them to use the individual registration.