Youth playing baseball

LPRD Youth Baseball/Softball Programs

Subscribe for Youth Baseball/Softball Registration Updates

Summer DCABA Baseball Rules

Fall DCABA Baseball Rules

Recreation Youth Baseball & Softball Rules

Our Promise To Kids

Things Kids Don't Want Parents To Do

Volunteer Coaches Application

Ballfield Reservations

Rainout Line Information


Looking For a Part-Time Job? Want to Earn Some Cash?

Become an umpire with Lawrence Parks and Recreation. To inquire, please go to the Lawrence KS jobs page and apply. (Must be at least 16 years old to apply.)


Recreational Leagues

The recreational leagues are designed to teach the fundamentals of baseball/softball, focusing on the skills needed and the rules of the game, preparing both boys and girls for team play. The leagues are recreational and are not competitive in nature. Leagues are offered for boys grade K - 6 and for girls grades K - 8. 

**2025 League Registration is now open**

Scholarship Information


Click Here to register online

Click Here to download and print a registration form

Click on a link to see the league schedules


 DCABA Baseball Leagues

LPRD also offers competitive baseball leagues for those wanting a higher level of competition in U8, U10, U12, and U14.

Please contact Alex Husbenet at or 785-330-7362 to get your team registered.

**2025 DCABA League Registration Is Now Open **

Click on a link to see the division standings and schedules

**2025 DCABA Fall League**

Lawrence Parks and Recreation will be offering a fall DCABA baseball league. These leagues are team entry leagues for U8 (Machine Pitch), U10, U12 and U14 age groups based on age as of May 1, 2026. Games will be played Monday - Thursday from August 18 - October 16.

Please contact Alex Husbenet at or 785-330-7362 to get your team registered.

Click on a link to see the division standings and schedules


Looking for a team to join?

Check out the team tryout page or email for more information.


Past Season Results


DCABA team tryout information

DCABA team roster form

Attention Baseball Coaches!

 List your tryout time/date

Report you team's scores here


For more information, please contact the Youth Sports Division at (785)330-7355