2025 Spring/Summer 14" Coed Softball League Registration Opens Monday 2/3

Registration Deadline - Friday, April 25 (or until filled)

Calling all Co-Ed Recreational softball teams. Leagues are played with a 14" mush ball. Each team must have a minimum of 5 males & 5 females to play in the league. Games are played at Kopp Park located at (Dempster St. & Linneman Rd) starting as early as 6:30pm (times could be adjusted depending on the number of teams). Teams will play 10 games + end of season tournament. Registration is by teams only and will be accepted until the registration deadline or until leagues are full (maximum of 9 teams per league).

Games played at Kopp Park

Thursdays, May 8 - July 31

Games times between 6:30 - 9:30pm



Free Agent Form

MPPD 14in Softball League Rules_updated May 2024