DigiDraw is the registration process for Middle School Athletics programs for the 2024-2025 school year. Continue reading for information and instruction.
Digidraw Information
- To help provide a more equitable experience for all potential participants, the DigiDraw, a randomized registration process, was designed to give everyone equal opportunity to participate in programs that fill up quickly.
- Middle School Athletics will be using the DigiDraw to select participants randomly for the available spaces in each sport.
- If randomly chosen for multiple sports in a season, you will be contacted to choose between the options.
- If you are not offered a space in the program from the initial draw, you will remain on the waitlist. We will continue to randomly draw participants until all spaces are filled or forfeited.
- The registration date listed with a sport is not the deadline or day to add to the Digidraw. This date is to open available spaces to the public (if there are any available).
- You can add your child to a waitlist after the Digidraw deadline, however they will not be eligible to be randomly drawn until those on the list before the deadline have been potentially offered a space in a program.
Directions to join Digidraw List
- Visit our Registration Website here: Enjoy Online
- Please make sure to login to your account before trying to add. If you have not signed up for any previous activities with the City of Palo Alto, you will need to create an account. There is a button at the top left of the webpage to login/create account.
- Add your child to the waiting list for their correct sport, grade, and school. The waiting list is what is used for the DigiDraw. There is no separate class labeled as “DigiDraw”
2025 Spring Sports Digidraw Instructions
- Spring Sports: Boys Volleyball, Tennis, Track & Field, Ultimate Frisbee, and Wrestling
- Add your child to the waiting list for their correct sport, grade, and school. The waiting list is what is used for the DigiDraw. There is no separate class labeled as “DigiDraw”
- The deadline to add a child to Spring 2025 digidraw sports is Friday, January 10, 2025.
- DigiDraw will occur for each school on the following dates:
- Fletcher - Monday, January 13, 2025
- JLS - Tuesday, January 14, 2025
- Greene - Wednesday, January 15, 2025
- Accommodations will not be made if your child is drawn and is on the wrong school, grade, or boys/girls list.
- No payments are taken at the time of adding to the waiting list. Payments will be taken if participant is randomly chosen for a space and you are notified to make payment to accept.
- If your child is chosen for a space on the date of the random draw, you will receive an automated e-mail from our registration website. The e-mail will be sent to the e-mail addressed used to log-in to Enjoy! online. This e-mail contains a link to register (pay fees) and is sent from noreply@civicplus.com
- Add the e-mail address to your contacts so it is not directed to your spam folder.
- If you are eligible for fee reductions for the City of Palo Alto, please make sure your paperwork is processed so you have access to those scholarship funds if you're invited to register. Scholarship Application
- For questions, please e-mail MSA@cityofpaloalto.org
General MSA Program Information
Sports are offered throughout the school year, and take place over three seasons: Fall (August-October), Winter (November-March), and Spring (April-May).
Fall Sports: Girls Volleyball, Co-Ed Flag Football, and Cross Country
Winter Sports: 7th and 8th Basketball (Nov-Jan) and 6th Basketball (Jan-Mar)
Spring Sports: Boys Volleyball, Tennis, Track and Field, Wrestling, and Ultimate Frisbee
Palo Alto schools participate in the Art David Athletic League (ADAL) consisting of 14 Peninsula schools, ranging from Half Moon Bay to Palo Alto. To see more about the potential locations of away matches, games, and meets, please see the website here: Art David Athletic League
Program Dates and Times
Dates, days of the week, and times listed for each program are subject to change. Sports will not change seasons. The days of the week and times listed are a general time frame for the program each day. Your child's schedule for each sport will depend on coach availability, facility availability, and game/meet schedules. Generally there are 1-2 games per week, and 1-2 practices per week, lasting between 1-1.5 hours each event.
We are always looking for coaches who can help our participants learn more about the sports they are playing and can promote positive values! Coaches are essential to our program and we can never have enough. If you or someone you know is interested in coaching any sport (ages 16+), please contact MSA@cityofpaloalto.org for more information. In your e-mail, please express what sport you would like to coach and we will contact you. All coaches must pass a fingerprinting/background check before coaching.
If you have any other questions, e-mail MSA@cityofpaloalto.org and we will be happy to assist!