VOLLEYBALL (Girls and Boys)
Registration Deadline: Monday, January 6, 2025
Drop Deadline: Friday, January 17, 2025
Coaches Meeting: Tuesday, February 4, 2025 (Virtual 6:30pm)
Coaches Clinic: Saturday, February 1, 2025 11:30am-1:00pm (Location: St. Joseph School Gym)
Clinic will be directed by Brooke Huard & Zoria Heard current UW indoor volleyball players
This clinic is highly recommended for all 1st and 2nd year coaches
Roster Due Date: Monday, February 10, 2025
5th – 8th Grade Matches: (8 game season + playoffs for 6-8th grade)
(*** AA/AAA is for 7th/8th GIRLS ONLY)
February: 8/9, 22/23
March: 1/2, 8/9, 15/16, 22/23, 29/30
4th Grade Matches: (6 game season)
February: 8/9, 22/23
March: 1/2, 8/9, 15/16, 22/23, 29/30
Playoffs (6th - 8th Grade): April 2 -13
Team Fees: 4th Grade $550 5th Grade $750 6th-8th grades $850
*A $5.00 CYO Administration fee will be charged per player.
Summary of CYO Volleyball Rules
Line Judge Instructions Sheet
Line Judge Instructional Video
4th-6th Grade Lineup Sheet
4th-6th Grade Lineup Sheet Instructions
4th-6th Grade Lineup Sheet Instructional Video
4th Grade Serve Tracker Sheet
4th Grade Serve Tracker Sheet Instructions
4th Grade Serve Tracker Sheet Instructional Video
5th-6th Grade Score Sheet
5th-6th Grade Score Sheet Instructions
5th-6th Grade Score Sheet Instructional Video
7th-8th Grade Lineup Sheet
7th-8th Grade Score Sheet
WIAA Score Keeping Presentation - helps with 7th/8th grade score keeping, but ignore the mention of the Libero - this is not used in CYO.
Coaches Insider Resource Videos & Articles - Click Here
• 7th and 8th grade girls leagues will be divided into AAA (top 16 teams from the year before) and AA (all other teams). Parishes/Schools which register two teams or more in 7th and 8th grade girls should split the teams by talent, with one team automatically placed in AAA and the other(s) in AA. Requests to play “up” to AAA will be considered. Requests to play “down” to AA will not be considered.
• In the 6th through 8th grade divisions, there will be a postseason playoff tournament.
• Scheduling conflicts known before the season must be submitted with the team registration. All requests for a re-schedule must be submitted to the CYO Athletics office by the registration deadline and will be granted for school/parish-related functions only.
• Games re-scheduled by both coaches will not be accepted and all games rescheduled without the authorization of CYO Athletics will result in forfeiture by both teams involved!
• Because 4-6th grade teams use automatic rotation, there are no playing time policies in these grades.
• In the 7th and 8th grade divisions, each player suited up is to play 25% of each match, including playoff matches.
• All players MUST serve at least once during the match.
• The 3rd game of the match (if there is one) is included in determining the overall number of points played for playing time, but coaches should not plan on needing a 3rd game to meet the playing time/serving policy requirement.
• Infractions of the playing time and server policy will result in a warning for the 1st offense. If witnessed by a designated representative of CYO Athletics, warning will consist of a verbal address to the coach during the contest in question. If the playing time issue is not addressed by the coach within this match, the representative will confer with the Sports Committee and the Director of CYO Athletics and a forfeit of the game and suspension of the coach may result.
• If the first offense is not witnessed by a designated representative of CYO Athletics, warning will consist of a verbal address to the coach via phone call. After the coach has received the warning, any subsequent verifiable offense of the playing time and server policy will result in a forfeit of the game for the team and suspension of the coach.
• A second verifiable offense of the playing time policy in the same sport season (including playoffs) will result in a forfeit of the game for the team, two game suspension of the coach, and the coach will be required to attend the next available PLACT Sports as Ministry coaches training, to be completed prior to their next season of coaching.
• All uniform jerseys should have numbers on the front and back. No duplicate numbers. This will be required during tournament play.
• Knee pads are REQUIRED for all players in all matches.
• A player displaying body paint, temporary tattoo(s), or glitter on their hair, face, uniform, or body will be asked to leave the game at the discretion of the official. Thus, avoiding contact of substance(s) to the ball.
• Small post or stud earrings will be allowed - no hoops or dangles. No other jewelry may be worn while playing. All headwear should be soft, pliable, and functional. Unadorned, flat clips, barrettes or bobby pins will be allowed. If a player has beads in their hair, that cannot easily be removed, the hair should be tied back and up, as safe as possible. If the hair is too short to be tied back and up, the player will be allowed to play, as the length of the hair should not pose any unnecessary safety risk to the player or others.
• To preclude the tracking of dirt on the gym floors, game shoes must be carried, not worn, to games.
• Each team shall furnish a volleyball of good quality and condition for each match. 6th grade boys and all 7th and 8th grade leagues (boys & girls) will use a regulation size ball. 5th and 6th grade girls and 5th grade boys (if there are enough teams for a 5th grade only boys league) will use a “Lite” ball (for example the Baden VX450L lightweight composite game ball). The official will decide which ball will be used during the match (NOTE: Colored balls may be used. 1/3 of the ball must be white, it cannot be more than 3 colors, and there may not be any logos or designs on the ball other than the manufacturer’s.)
• The net height for 8th grade boys = 7'6", 7th grade boys and 8th grade girls = 7'4". All other divisions = 7'0".
All volleyball teams in CYO Athletics will play according to the current volleyball guide of the National Federation of High School Volleyball rules unless otherwise specified in this manual or the rules herein outlined.
• Every team must have at least one of its coaches attend the mandatory preseason coaches’ meeting. Failure to have coach representation will result in game forfeiture and a game suspension by coach to be determined by CYO Athletics. A coach who is suspended from coaching a team is not eligible to be present as a fan for that CYO Athletics event.
• Volleyball rosters are limited to 15 players in all divisions.
• Each team must furnish a competent scorekeeper who will maintain the official scorebook for that contest. 4th grade will use a serve tracker as their matches are timed, not scored.
• Each team must furnish one competent line judge. Line judges must be high school age or older and will be positioned on their opponent's side of the court.
• In all divisions, six players will constitute a playing team. In an emergency, games may begin with 5 players, but in 6th – 8th grade, the “6th player” still exists on the line-up and score sheet in terms of the position, and therefore when the 6th server spot comes up, there will be an automatic side-out, loss of serve and point for opponent, unless a player arrives late and can fill that spot. The vacant service position must be the 6th service spot. 4th and 5th grade continue playing and serving with a 5-person rotation. NOTE: You may not drop below five players on the court.
• Each team will share the court for a five-minute pre-match warm-up, and two minutes serving.
• Lineup Sheet is due to the scoring table by or before the two minutes of serving. All players present must be listed on the lineup sheet with BOTH first and last names. Captains must be marked with a "C". Only those coaches listed on the official CYO roster are allowed to sit on the bench and must sign the lineup sheet.
• Once the lineup sheet has been submitted to the scorer’s table and entered into the score sheet, it cannot be changed. In the 7th and 8th grades a lineup can be changed with a substitution that would occur at the start of the set. Regular substitution rules would apply for the set.
• Matches will be best two out of three games, with NO TIME LIMIT.
• Teams will play rally scoring with the first two games to 25 points, and the third game to 15 points.
• In the event of a forfeit, only the first game shall be forfeited at game time. If the team in question is not ready for play 11 minutes after the appointed hour, then the complete match will be forfeited. Teams are encouraged to use the gym time and play a non-counting match, sharing players if necessary.
• The “libero position” is not used in CYO Athletics volleyball.
• Games will be scheduled for an hour and 15 minutes. If matches finish in less than 40 minutes, teams may play an additional game. The game will not count. If teams play beyond the official match, they must clear the floor 15 minutes before the next scheduled match.
• Teams will not switch courts during the match. Teams will remain on the same bench the entire match this year.
• All forms of the “ace” chant are prohibited. This includes Ace, Point, or any other word used after each point that can be perceived as demoralizing to the opposing team. Please remember that all cheers should be positive and supportive of all players.
• Coaches are to remain seated at all times and may not approach the referee’s platform at any time during a match.
• No gum chewing in the gymnasium.
• Server need not toss the ball.
• The ball must be served within 8 seconds of referee's whistle.
• The ball may be played off the foot as long as there is no upward kicking motion.
• Fans and players must remain silent when a player is attempting to serve. Coaches should emphasize this with their team and their fans.
• Clarification of NFHS rule: back row players may not come forward for blocking; they shall not attack the ball (hit the ball which is completely above the height of the net) while positioned on or inside the 10-foot (attack) line or in the air having left the floor on or in front of the attack line. A back row player may attack the ball from behind the attack line, except on a serve (which cannot be blocked or attacked).
• All volleyball (with the exception of 4th grade) is considered single gender sports and coed is not allowed. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis. Please email our office directly if you have such a request.
- All requests to play up one grade must be approved by CYO prior to the roster deadline. Athletes may not play up two grade levels.
• In the 5th and 6th grade division, the server is limited to five consecutive "point scoring" serves, after which they must rotate to the next server on the same team.
• 5th and 6th grade teams will automatically substitute players every rotation. Players sub out after position 1 (server spot) and sub back in at position 6. The players sub into the game in the same order they leave the game.
• However, in the case of the first set of the match - the team that receives first does not rotate out a player. This is the only time during the match that a player would not rotate out.
• After each set, the players stay in the same position on the floor (and same order for substitutes on the bench) to start the next game.
• However, if you have first serve, if the player served (even if only once) they have served and thus would rotate out. They do not get to start serving for the next set. If the winning point was earned by a rally point and the player did not get to serve, they would be the first server. So, if they served - they rotate out. If they did not serve - they stay in and are first server.
• Managing player(s) leaving the gym during a match, late arriving players, and injuries and illness:
If a player has to leave a set early for another function, that position on the court will remain vacant - continue play until that position rotates out. (No Substitutions - continue play with 5 players.) The scorekeeper will write "left" on the scoresheet. When that position rotates to the serving position it will be vacant, creating a side out and rally point for the receiving team, in 6th grade. (Proper procedure for playing with 5 players.) Then on the next rotation, the next player in line will enter as usual putting 6 players back on the court. When the missing player is then supposed to enter, the next player in line will enter. This will keep all players in their correct rotation order. If there is another set after this one, the rotation will continue as if the missing player was never present. Fourth and fifth grade do not lose a point and serve when the vacant position rotates to the serving position. Instead, the next serving spot in order will serve with all 6 players on the court in serve order.
If a player arrives late to the match and has not been crossed off the scoresheet, they may enter the court as long as they are in the proper rotation order. Notify the referee that the player is ready to play. There will be no time-out charged to the arriving player's team. If the player arrives after their scheduled time to enter the game, the coach can then decide to not play the player and cross them off the scoresheet, or play that set without them, keeping the position open, playing with 5 players as discussed above. The player may then enter the set when they arrive.
If a player has to leave a set due to injury/illness, that position on the court will remain vacant - continue play until the position rotates out. (No substitutions, continue play with 5 players.) Loss of serve occurs in 6th grade as instructed above when that position moves into the serving position. When that position rotates back in, the injured/ill player may reenter the set. If the player is still unable to play, the scorekeeper will write "injured/ill" on the scoresheet and the next player on the scoresheet will enter that position. The injured/ill player then may not play in that set but may play in the next set(s) if able. If a player must come out a second time because of illness or injury, they may not reenter that set.
• The 5th and 6th grade division service line will be an imaginary (unless marked) line 25 feet from, and parallel to the centerline.
• Follow 5th grade rules with the following exceptions:
• 4th grade volleyball is Co-Ed.
• 4th grade serves underhand from the attack line or overhand from the 25-foot line.
• 4th grade server is limited to three consecutive "point scoring" serves, after which they must rotate to the next server on the same team.
• Matches will be timed and not scored. Game 1 and Game 2 of the match will each be played for 12 minutes. Game 3 will be played until there is no time left (teams must be off the court 15 minutes before the next scheduled match). Timeouts do not stop the clock.
• Home team must provide a referee for the match.
• Both teams must provide a line judge and serve moderator. Since the matches are timed and not scored, the serve tracker is responsible for making sure the players remain in correct serve order, and to keep track of the 3 serve limit.