Co-Ed Rules
MEN MUST USE A SINGLE WALL BAT IN ALL CO-ED GAMES. If a male batter mistakenly uses a multi-wall/composite bat for his at bat, gets a hit and it is brought to the umpire’s attention BEFORE the next pitch to a female batter, the male batter in question will return to home plate and “re-do” his at bat with a single wall bat. Any runners that advanced on the hit by the male batter using a multi-wall/composite bat will return to the base they occupied before the male came up to bat. If the same male player uses a multi-wall/composite bat a second time, that male will be removed from the game. If there is no substitute to take the removed male player’s place in the batting order, that number in the batting order will be an automatic out. Abuse of this rule MAY result in taking the multi-wall/composite bat out of the remainder of the game for the offending team.
MEN MUST USE A SINGLE WALL BAT IN ALL CO-ED GAMES. If a male batter mistakenly uses a multi-wall/composite bat for his at bat, gets a hit and it is brought to the umpire’s attention BEFORE the next pitch to a female batter, the male batter in question will return to home plate and “re-do” his at bat with a single wall bat. Any runners that advanced on the hit by the male batter using a multi-wall/composite bat will return to the base they occupied before the male came up to bat.
If the same male player uses a multi-wall/composite bat a second time, that male will be removed from the game. If there is no substitute to take the removed male player’s place in the batting order, that number in the batting order will be an automatic out. Abuse of this rule MAY result in taking the multi-wall/composite bat out of the remainder of the game for the offending team.