2024 Fall 3v3 Basketball

Wednesday Fredette 3X3 (Rec A)
 Charcuterie Boards000--0---- 
 Dream Team000--0---- 
 Taking Ankles000--0---- 
 Tracy and the Family Stone000--0---- 
GB = Games Back, GP = Games Played, PCT = Winning Percentage.

Week 1

Wed 9/25 6:10 PM
Dream Team
Tracy and the Family Stone
Court #7
Wed 9/25 6:10 PM
Taking Ankles
Charcuterie Boards
Court #8
Wed 9/25 6:35 PM
Charcuterie Boards
Court #7
Wed 9/25 6:35 PM
Taking Ankles
Court #8
Wed 9/25 7:00 PM
Tracy and the Family Stone
Court #7
Wed 9/25 7:00 PM
Dream Team
Court #8

Week 2

Wed 10/2 6:10 PM
Tracy and the Family Stone
Court #7
Wed 10/2 6:10 PM
Dream Team
Charcuterie Boards
Court #8
Wed 10/2 6:35 PM
Tracy and the Family Stone
Charcuterie Boards
Court #7
Wed 10/2 6:35 PM
Taking Ankles
Court #8
Wed 10/2 7:00 PM
Court #7
Wed 10/2 7:00 PM
Dream Team
Taking Ankles
Court #8

Week 3

Wed 10/9 6:10 PM
Dream Team
Court #7
Wed 10/9 6:10 PM
Tracy and the Family Stone
Taking Ankles
Court #8
Wed 10/9 6:35 PM
Charcuterie Boards
Court #7
Wed 10/9 6:35 PM
Taking Ankles
Court #8
Wed 10/9 7:00 PM
Dream Team
Tracy and the Family Stone
Court #7
Wed 10/9 7:00 PM
Charcuterie Boards
Court #8

Week 4

Wed 10/16 6:10 PM
Court #7
Wed 10/16 6:10 PM
Dream Team
Charcuterie Boards
Court #8
Wed 10/16 6:35 PM
Tracy and the Family Stone
Court #7
Wed 10/16 6:35 PM
Charcuterie Boards
Taking Ankles
Court #8
Wed 10/16 7:00 PM
Taking Ankles
Dream Team
Court #7
Wed 10/16 7:00 PM
Tracy and the Family Stone
Court #8

Week 5

Wed 10/23 6:10 PM
Dream Team
Court #7
Wed 10/23 6:10 PM
Charcuterie Boards
Tracy and the Family Stone
Court #8
Wed 10/23 6:35 PM
Charcuterie Boards
Court #7
Wed 10/23 6:35 PM
Tracy and the Family Stone
Taking Ankles
Court #8
Wed 10/23 7:00 PM
Dream Team
Court #7
Wed 10/23 7:00 PM
Taking Ankles
Court #8

Week 6

Wed 10/30 6:10 PM
Dream Team
Court #7
Wed 10/30 6:10 PM
Taking Ankles
Charcuterie Boards
Court #8
Wed 10/30 6:35 PM
Tracy and the Family Stone
Court #7
Wed 10/30 6:35 PM
Charcuterie Boards
Court #8
Wed 10/30 7:00 PM
Dream Team
Tracy and the Family Stone
Court #7
Wed 10/30 7:00 PM
Taking Ankles
Court #8
Playoff Schedule 1

Playoff Round 1

Wed 11/6 6:10 PM G1
4th Place
5th Place
Court #7
Wed 11/6 6:10 PM G2
3rd Place
6th Place
Court #8

Playoff Round 2

Wed 11/6 6:35 PM G3
1st Place
G1 Winner
Court #7
Wed 11/6 6:35 PM G4
2nd Place
G2 Winner
Court #8
Wed 11/6 7:00 PM G5
G1 Consolation
G2 Consolation
Court #8

Playoff Round 3 - Championship Round

Wed 11/6 7:00 PM G6
G3 Winner
G4 Winner
Court #7
Playoff Brackets 1
 Charcuterie Boards000--0---- 
 Dream Team000--0---- 
 Taking Ankles000--0---- 
 Tracy and the Family Stone000--0---- 
GB = Games Back, GP = Games Played, PCT = Winning Percentage.

Week 1

Wed 9/25 6:10 PM Dream Team  
Tracy and the Family Stone  
Court #7
Wed 9/25 6:10 PM Taking Ankles  
Charcuterie Boards  
Court #8
Wed 9/25 6:35 PM Grinders  
Charcuterie Boards  
Court #7
Wed 9/25 6:35 PM Bucketrons  
Taking Ankles  
Court #8
Wed 9/25 7:00 PM Tracy and the Family Stone  
Court #7
Wed 9/25 7:00 PM Dream Team  
Court #8

Week 2

Wed 10/2 6:10 PM Bucketrons  
Tracy and the Family Stone  
Court #7
Wed 10/2 6:10 PM Dream Team  
Charcuterie Boards  
Court #8
Wed 10/2 6:35 PM Tracy and the Family Stone  
Charcuterie Boards  
Court #7
Wed 10/2 6:35 PM Grinders  
Taking Ankles  
Court #8
Wed 10/2 7:00 PM Bucketrons  
Court #7
Wed 10/2 7:00 PM Dream Team  
Taking Ankles  
Court #8

Week 3

Wed 10/9 6:10 PM Dream Team  
Court #7
Wed 10/9 6:10 PM Tracy and the Family Stone  
Taking Ankles  
Court #8
Wed 10/9 6:35 PM Charcuterie Boards  
Court #7
Wed 10/9 6:35 PM Taking Ankles  
Court #8
Wed 10/9 7:00 PM Dream Team  
Tracy and the Family Stone  
Court #7
Wed 10/9 7:00 PM Bucketrons  
Charcuterie Boards  
Court #8

Week 4

Wed 10/16 6:10 PM Bucketrons  
Court #7
Wed 10/16 6:10 PM Dream Team  
Charcuterie Boards  
Court #8
Wed 10/16 6:35 PM Tracy and the Family Stone  
Court #7
Wed 10/16 6:35 PM Charcuterie Boards  
Taking Ankles  
Court #8
Wed 10/16 7:00 PM Taking Ankles  
Dream Team  
Court #7
Wed 10/16 7:00 PM Grinders  
Tracy and the Family Stone  
Court #8

Week 5

Wed 10/23 6:10 PM Grinders  
Dream Team  
Court #7
Wed 10/23 6:10 PM Charcuterie Boards  
Tracy and the Family Stone  
Court #8
Wed 10/23 6:35 PM Bucketrons  
Charcuterie Boards  
Court #7
Wed 10/23 6:35 PM Tracy and the Family Stone  
Taking Ankles  
Court #8
Wed 10/23 7:00 PM Bucketrons  
Dream Team  
Court #7
Wed 10/23 7:00 PM Taking Ankles  
Court #8

Week 6

Wed 10/30 6:10 PM Bucketrons  
Dream Team  
Court #7
Wed 10/30 6:10 PM Taking Ankles  
Charcuterie Boards  
Court #8
Wed 10/30 6:35 PM Grinders  
Tracy and the Family Stone  
Court #7
Wed 10/30 6:35 PM Charcuterie Boards  
Court #8
Wed 10/30 7:00 PM Dream Team  
Tracy and the Family Stone  
Court #7
Wed 10/30 7:00 PM Grinders  
Taking Ankles  
Court #8
Playoff Schedule 1
See Brackets

Playoff Round 1

Wed 11/6 6:10 PM G1
4th Place 
5th Place 
Court #7
Wed 11/6 6:10 PM G2
3rd Place 
6th Place 
Court #8

Playoff Round 2

Wed 11/6 6:35 PM G3
1st Place 
G1 Winner 
Court #7
Wed 11/6 6:35 PM G4
2nd Place 
G2 Winner 
Court #8
Wed 11/6 7:00 PM G5
G1 Consolation 
G2 Consolation 
Court #8

Playoff Round 3 - Championship Round

Wed 11/6 7:00 PM G6
G3 Winner 
G4 Winner 
Court #7
QR code Schedule Revision Date: Wed, Aug 28, 2024 11:45 AM
Playoff Schedule Revision Date: Wed, Aug 28, 2024 11:37 AM
