North Lakes Driving Range - Hours & Services

The driving range is adjacent to the North Lakes Rec Center at 2009 W. Windsor Dr.
About Us & Services: The driving range has 32 bays for hitting, a chipping green, a putting green with 18 holes, and a field that is lit for night time hitting. We offer both group and private lessons with golf pros as well as a youth program. For more information about private lessons or programs click below.
Meet the Pros & Private Lessons Information
Youth Golf Programs
Driving Range and Dispenser Hours:
8am - 9pm : Everyday except Wednesdays
On Wednesdays the range is closed from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for range maintenance and mowing.
- **Inclement Weather The driving range will close if the temperature, or wind chill, drops to 38 degrees or colder. The range may close during other inclement or rainy weather. If inclement weather occurs, call (940) 349-8545 for class and league cancellations and facility closing information.
Driving Range Fees: We provide small and large buckets for driving, chipping, and putting. Discounts are provided with proof of I.D for Military, Students, and Seniors 55+. The last bucket sale is at 10:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m inside the clubhouse.
- Large Bucket (90 Balls): $12 or $10 w/proper discount
- Small Bucket (35 Balls): $6 or $5 w/proper discount
The Driving Range has converted to an automated ball dispenser system. In order to get golf balls you will either need a range card or pin number.
- The Pin Numbers are a 1 time use code that can be purchased inside the clubhouse during operational hours, or at the North Lakes Rec Center during non operational hours.
- To get a Range Card, visit the clubhouse during operational hours to pick up. Cards can reloaded online (please allow 24 hours before range cards are updated); click here.This will allow golfers additional hours to enjoy the driving range as well as a way to enjoy contactless transactions. Range cards can be purchased in increments of $25; Minimum $25 - Maximum $150. Range card balances do not expire and can be used during all dispenser hours.
For more information about the North Lakes Driving Range; please contact the supervisor, Kelsey Stuart, at