MYBA Purpose

The Mustangs Youth Basketball Association (MYBA) took over the ingleside youth basketball program in 2020 during the covid-19 pandemic and was the first ingleside youth program to return after the covid-19 shutdown. 

The purpose of the MUstangs Youth Basketball Association:

  • provide a safe environment and opportunities for youth boys and girls to build self-esteem, self-respect, and dignity . 
  • provide social interaction with peers and adults 
  • develop fundamentals and talent
  • teach sportsmanship, how to control emotions, and teach teamwork
  • show how to play within the rules
  • teach how to deal with adversity by showing it is all right to make  mistakes
  • instill self-discipline and awareness of the value of preparation
  • foster a sense of community by providing a sense of belonging
  • teach time management and the value of planning ahead
  • develop skills for handling success and failure 
  • provide a stress relief from academic and social pressures
  • build competitiveness.