League Details
Recreational basketball league for kinder-6th grades. True grade divisions (boys 5th grade, girls 6th grade, etc.) except in a situation where there aren’t enough players/teams for that division. Example: If there aren’t enough 5th grade boys teams to make a division, the 5th grade boys will join the 6th grade division.
All abilities welcome! Register as an individual and be placed on a team.
All teams will be formed via draft with head coaches. The children of the assistant coach are protected from draft picks from other head coaches.
Each team has one to two one-hour practices per week and will play games on Saturdays. Day, time, and location of practices are determined by the commissioner and head coach.
Games will be played in Van Alstyne and Pottsboro.
All players must have a reversible home/away uniform or two uniforms for home/away. Home team wears white. Uniform must have number on both front and back of jersey.
The head coach and assistant coach will be given shirts to wear to games and are encouraged to do so.
Click here to see rules