Adult Pickleball Rules
Apex Park and Recreation District Adult Pickleball Leagues are governed by IFP rules with the following exceptions and modifications:
Leagues are defined as follows:
- Advanced (Competitive): Consists of teams with skill levels ranging from advanced and intermediate to experienced. Generally high 3.5 and above players.
- Intermediate (Intermediate): Consists of teams with a solid skill level and understanding of the rules. Generally high, 3.0-3.5 players.
- Beginner (Beginner): Consists of teams new to the sport. Generally, 3.0 and below players
- Open: Consists of teams with varying playing abilities.
Note: Leagues may be combined if there are not enough teams to be run independently.
Team Rosters:
- A team must contain 2 players 18+ years old.
- Players may not be rostered on more than one team within the same division.
- Substitutes: In the event one player cannot make the scheduled game, teams may use a substitute of the same skill level as the missing player. Teams must have at least one rostered participant. If both players cannot make the scheduled game, the team will be given a forfeit. Substitute players for playoff games will be allowed if the above rules are followed. It is preferred that any substitute for playoff games has played in at least 2 prior matches.
Game Time and Forfeit Procedure:
- A team must have 2 players to begin.
- If a team does not have the minimum number of players to begin, a 10-minute grace period will be provided. If a team still does not have enough players after the 10-minute grace period has expired, they will be forced to forfeit.
- Any team needing to forfeit or reschedule must contact the pickleball coordinator and the other team manager through the contact sheet provided at the start of the league.
- Two no-call/no-shows and you are removed from the league. No refund is provided.
Game Play:
- Indoor: Teams will play a “best out of 3” series each night.
- Outdoor: Teams will play a “best out of 5” series each night.
- Playoffs: Teams will play a “best out of 3” series for indoor and outdoor leagues.
- Scoring: Games are played to 11 points, win by 2, cap at 13 points.
- The home team listed on the schedule picks side, serve, or receive for the first game. Teams change sides after each game. If a fifth game is needed, teams will switch sides after one of the teams scores 7 points.
- Officiating: All matches are self-officiated. The receiving team calls the ball “in” or “out”.
- Makeup Games: Indoor games cannot be rescheduled due to limited gym availability. Teams unable to make their games will be required to forfeit. Make-up for outdoor games will be allowed but must be completed within 2 weeks of the originally scheduled games. If teams do not make up games prior to the playoffs, the team that originally had to reschedule will take the forfeit.
Inclement Weather Policy:
- Check TeamSideline for weather updates. We will make every effort to play games and reschedule only if necessary.
- In the event of a cancellation, teams will be notified via email or text from (individuals must register for text messages to receive them).
- Rainout/Makeup Policy: The policy is to make up games as courts become available. Make-up games may be required to be played on weekends or weeknights other than the regularly scheduled night. Teams that are unable to play the scheduled make-up will be forced to forfeit.
Blood Rule:
- Any participant who is bleeding, has an open wound or has an excessive amount of blood on his or her uniform or apparel must leave the game.
- The participant may not return until either the bleeding has stopped, the wound has been covered and bandaged, or the uniform or apparel has been changed.
Smoking and Alcohol:
- No smoking or vaping of any kind will be permitted.
- No consumption of alcohol will be allowed before, during or after the game anywhere on the premises. This includes koozies, water bottles or similar containers. Exceptions are made only for pre-authorized events where a beer garden may be provided.
- Any player, manager, coach or spectator caught smoking, vaping or consuming alcohol anywhere on the premises by staff will be ejected and must leave the facility. Subsequent violations by the same team will result in a forfeit of the game.
- No player, manager or coach shall participate in the game while intoxicated.
- Penalties for violating these policies: Minimum 1 game suspension and $25 fine.
- Apex Park and Recreation District does not provide insurance coverage for players, coaches, or spectators. You are strongly advised to check your coverage with your personal carrier to ensure you are covered for accidents and injury, including ambulance transportation.
- Outdoor: All teams in each division will advance to an end-of-season single-elimination tournament.
- Indoor: The top 4 teams from each division will advance to an end-of-the-season, single-elimination tournament.
- Awards will be given to 1st and 2nd place teams in the tournament (maximum 2).
- Tie breakers in league play between 2 or more teams will be determined by the following:
- Lowest Number of Forfeits
- Winning Percentage
- Head-to-Head
- Head-to-Head Differential
- Total Points Differential
- Coin Toss
Apex Park and Recreation District Participant Code of Conduct:
- No player or coach shall at any time lay a hand upon, push, shove, strike, threaten to strike, or verbally threaten an official, staff member, or spectator.
- Penalty: Legal action may be taken, or the player will be suspended from all sports for a minimum of 1 full year.
- Any player involved in a physical altercation with another player, coach, staff member or spectator will be ejected from that game.
- A minimum 3-game suspension (possible suspension for the remainder of the year or longer).
- Be placed on probation.
- Verbal abuse or unsportsmanlike behavior toward an official, another player, supervisor or staff member will result in ejection from that game, a minimum one-game suspension and probation.
- Court monitors are empowered to warn, eject, and recommend suspensions for players or coaches who engage in misconduct or rule violations.
- Any time a game gets out of hand, the court monitor has the authority to declare the game a forfeit.
- Any team having two or more team members (players or coaches) ejected from the game will be penalized with a forfeit.
- All suspensions carry an automatic probation period. Once a player, coach, or team has been placed on probation, their conduct will be evaluated throughout the remainder of the season. Further conduct violations will result in a minimum suspension extending through the remainder of the season, as well as forfeiting all fees paid to date.
- Teams are responsible for their players’ and spectators’ conduct before, during, and after the game. All spectators and participants must conform to Apex PRD regulations. Improper behavior will not be tolerated.
- Penalty: Forfeiture of the game, possible arrest and prosecution, forfeiture of remaining games, and loss of refund of fees.
- The league coordinator has “elastic power” in determining suspensions, penalties, or rule interpretations. Court monitors will have the authority to penalize for unsportsmanlike behavior. This is a judgment call and cannot be protested.
- There will be zero tolerance for those who deviate from the league code of conduct.