How to Register

Step 1: Create your account. 

This document will guide you on how to create your account. 

You must create an account and add each of your football player(s)/cheerleader(s) to your account before they can be registered

Account creation guide

Step 2: Register your Player(s). 

See this guide for instructions on how to register your player(s).

Once player(s) have been added to your account, a drop down list will appear with available programs for each athlete. 

You will have two options for volunteer hours.  

1) Volunteer for a total of 12 hours per family (Parent/guardian & children only) during the season. You will need to turn in a refundable deposit (check or cash) of $350 prior to the first day of practice. Deposits will be held and returned at the end of the season pending completion of your hours. 

2) Buy out option. $350 will be added to your registration costs at the time of registration (check or cash) and deposited immediately. 

Player REgistration guide

Step 3: Complete and turn in forms/payment. 

Print all forms, complete, and turn in with your fee payment prior to the first day of practice. 

1. Medical Release / Sports Physical (Must be current)

2. School Verification (Will accept most recent report card)

3. SAC Parent & Athlete Code of Conduct (2 separate forms)

4. Parent Volunteer Contract

Player Registration Forms