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Game: St Paul-Fenton SPF-4MB2-Hartmann vs. St Gabriel the Archangel SGA-4MB2-Richardet (St Paul-Fenton Gym)
4MB2 - _2025 CYC SE Basketball 3rd-4th
Crt 1, St Paul-Fenton Gym (6:00PM-7:05PM)
Game: Christ Community Lutheran School CCLS-4FC2-Reinitz vs. Our Lady-Festus OLF-4FC2-Wilmot (St Paul-Fenton Gym)
4FC2 - _2025 CYC SE Basketball 3rd-4th
Crt 1, St Paul-Fenton Gym (7:05PM-8:10PM)
Game: St Paul-Fenton SPF-3MA-Robards vs. Holy Family-Arnold HFA-3MA-Hardin (St Paul-Fenton Gym)
3MA - _2025 CYC SE Basketball 3rd-4th
Crt 1, St Paul-Fenton Gym (6:00PM-7:05PM)
Game: St Paul-Fenton SPF-4MB2-Walker vs. Ste Genevieve du Bois SGDB-4MB2-Kelley (St Paul-Fenton Gym)
4MB2 - _2025 CYC SE Basketball 3rd-4th
Crt 1, St Paul-Fenton Gym (7:05PM-8:10PM)
Game: St Paul-Fenton SPF-3MA-Robards vs. Our Lady of the Pillar PILL-3MA-Scudieri (St Paul-Fenton Gym)
3MA - _2025 CYC SE Basketball 3rd-4th
Crt 1, St Paul-Fenton Gym (6:00PM-7:05PM)
Game: St Paul-Fenton SPF-4MB2-Walker vs. St Gabriel the Archangel SGA-4MB2-Richardet (St Paul-Fenton Gym)
4MB2 - _2025 CYC SE Basketball 3rd-4th
Crt 1, St Paul-Fenton Gym (7:05PM-8:10PM)