Upcoming Programs

This page lists our upcoming Programs. Click a More Info button for Program details.
Presentational 2025 St Mary Magdalen Baseball-Softball (K-8th) visual

2025 St Mary Magdalen Baseball-Softball (K-8th) - Spring 2025

To register for the St. Mary Magdalen Baseball-Softball Program, you must meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Be a registered member of St. Mary Magdalen Parish
  2. Attend St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School
  3. Live within the St. Mary Magdalen Parish Boundaries (click here to enter your address)
  4. Attend a public school whose public school boundary falls within St. Mary Magdalen Parish boundaries

For questions about the St. Mary Magdalen Baseball/Softball Program, contact  coordinator John Cole at STMMchargersBaseball.Softball@gmail.com.

Presentational 2025 St Mary Magdalen CYC Track 1st-8th visual

2025 St Mary Magdalen CYC Track 1st-8th - Winter 2025

To register for the St. Mary Magdalen Track Program, you must meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Be a registered member of St. Mary Magdalen parish
  2. Attend St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School
  3. Live within the St. Mary Magdalen Boundaries (click here to enter your address)
  4. Attend a public elementary school whose public school boundary falls within the St. Mary Magdalen boundaries

For questions about the Track Program, contact Jeff Harvath

Presentational 2025 South City Catholic Academy CYC Track 1st-8th visual

2025 South City Catholic Academy CYC Track 1st-8th - Spring 2025

To register for the South City Catholic Academy Track Program, you must meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Be a registered member of St. Lucy parish (former parishes of Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Joan of Arc, and Church of the Magdalen)
  2. Attend South City Catholic Academy
  3. Live within the St. Lucy Boundaries (click here to enter your address)
  4. Attend a public elementary school whose public school boundary falls within the St. Lucy boundaries

For questions about the Track Program, contact Molly Wolfsberger and Christen Maurer at sccatrack@gmail.com