2025 St Paul-Fenton Instructional Basketball 1st-2nd - Winter 2025

To register for the St. Paul - Fenton JPL Basketball Program, you must meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Be Catholic and a registered member of St. Paul - Fenton Parish
  2. Attend St. Paul - Fenton Catholic School
  3. Live within the St. Paul - Fenton Parish Boundaries (click here to enter your address)
  4. Attend a public elementary school whose public school boundary falls within St. Paul - Fenton Parish boundaries

Basketball Information:

  • Open to 1st through 2nd grade players.
  • When choosing a grade level for each player, this will be the grade they are currently in.
  • Players will practice for a half hour and then have games/scrimmages for a half hour.
  • This is intended to be a fun environment and introduction to basketball.

Uniform Information:

  • Each player will receive a commemorative JPL t-shirt.

For questions about the St. Paul - Fenton JPL Basketball Program, please contact the Basketball Coordinator at basketball@stpaulfenton.org

SPF - Facility Fee
SPF - Facility Fee $15.00 Per Item
St Paul-Fenton Facility Fee.Available for the following Offerings: 1st-2nd