2025 South City Catholic Academy Baseball-Softball (1st-8th) - Spring 2025

To register for SCCA Baseball-Softball, you must meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Be a registered member of Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Joan of Arc, or Church of the Magdalen - South City
  2. Attend South City Catholic Academy
  3. Live within the Parish Boundaries (click here to enter your address)
  4. Attend a public school whose public school boundary falls within Parish boundaries

Make sure to enroll for the grade your child is currently in this school year (2024-2025).

For questions about the Baseball-Softball Program contact the BB/SB Coordinator: sccabaseballsoftball@gmail.com

Frequently Asked Questions
  • When does the CYC soccer season start?: Practices start in August and games start 1 week before Labor Day weekend.
  • What night will my child practice?: Practice slots are chosen by the head coach after the coaches meeting. The coaches will set the practice schedule. Please direct questions about practice to your coach.
  • I'd like to help coach, what do I do?: Thank you! We greatly appreciate your help! Please click the Volunteer button to register as a Head or Assistant Coach. You will also need to complete the requirements listed on the Coaches Corner.
SCCA - Volunteer Buyout
SCCA - Volunteer Buyout $100.00 Per Item
To support our athletic association, each family is asked to volunteer two 3-hour shifts (6 hours) annually at a concession stand or fundraiser. This requirement applies to all families playing any sport regardless of the number of athletes. In lieu of working at the concession stand, you can elect a $100 annual buyout. The 1 time buyout covers Spring/Summer to Fall/Winter sports. The buyout will enable us to pay/staff individuals to operate the concession stands.Available for the following Offerings: Girls 1st, Girls 2nd, Girls 3rd, Girls 4th, Girls 5th, Girls 6th, Girls 7th, Girls 8th, Boys 1st, Boys 2nd, Boys 3rd, Boys 4th, Boys 5th, Boys 6th, Boys 7th, Boys 8th