All-Star Player Overview 

At the end of each Spring season, Lincoln Little League will create four All-Star teams based on the ages listed below. Each team will have 12-14 players. Players selected to the All-Star teams will be announced late May. Teams will start practices in June.  Only current season AAA, Majors, and Juniors division players will be considered.

All-Star 10's = league-age 8-10

All-Star 11's = league-age 9-11

All-Star Majors = league-age 10-12

All-Star Juniors = league-age 13 -14

The level of play at the All-Star level is competitive. All-Star season is a significant time commitment, and the expectation is that players will be available for all practices and games. Some managers ask that players limit certain activities (such as swimming) on practice and game days. Depending on the success of the team, travel may be involved. Any expenses related to this are the responsibility of the family.

Players who are selected will be required to submit an original birth certificate and updated proof of LLL residency, which includes ONE document from EACH group as noted at OR completed School Enrollment Form (Our league ID is 4051105. Minors = AAA Divisions).

Player Selection Process

For a player to be considered for one of the following teams, the parent/guardian must first complete the All-Star Commitment Application including reading the All-Star Commitment Statement. 2024 Applications are due by Friday, May 3. 

The League Coach Coordinator will work with upper division Managers and create a player tracking list while will allow each Manager to personally evaluate each player. This player tracking list will be kept current and updated from late-April till the player selection meeting.

The following criteria will be used to form teams for each age group as listed above:

  • Player performance (per Manager rankings, consensus, and Player Agent assessment)
  • Consideration of players from previous year's All Star teams
  • If needed, statistics as informing data

All players will also have a chance to vote for their peers (aka Player Popular vote)

  • Players who receive the top vote in each age group will be added to the pool of candidates for consideration and Manager discussion
  • A popular vote does not guarantee a roster position

1-Day All Star Player Assessment (per Manager discretion)

  • If the Managers feel further evaluation is needed, selected All Star Manager may opt for a 1-day All Star Player Assessment
  • All Star Manager will create a pool of top candidates and work with Manager/Coaches and League Coach Coordinator to host a player assessment to help decide roster positions

D11 All-Star Dates


All-Stars  Location / Host  Start Break End
 10’s Lincoln LLJune 25th July 4thJuly 6th
 11’sPenn ValleyJune 29thJuly 4thJuly 6th
 12’s Nevada City LLJune 27thJuly 4thJuly 7th 
 JuniorAuburn LLJuly 25th July 2nd


If you have questions, please email or your division Player Agents.