Use the Little League age chart below to understand what "League Age" your player is. Then scroll down further to see what division they would qualify for.

T-Ball Division:
Instructional division for player ages 4-6. Player must be age 4 by August 31st the year of playing season. No scores or league standings are maintained. A tee will be used for the entire season.
Farm Division:
Instructional division for players ages 6-7. (EXCEPTION: Players who are league age 6 are permitted to advance to Farm after participation in T-Ball for at least one Spring season if space allows, or the player agent may elect to move a child up for safety reason.) Players age 6 whose parents are managing or coaching will be given priority. No scores or league standings are maintained. Pitching machine will be used for the majority of the season.
Single A Division:
Instructional division for players ages 7-8. No scores or league standings are maintained. Coach pitch will be used for the majority of the season, with a soft introduction to player pitch near the middle/end of the season.
AA Division:
Instructional division for player ages 8-10. The AA Division is an instructional level, operated under a competitive format, but with the focus of skill development. There are no regular season standings as compared to AAA, however, there may be a TOC (Tournament of Champions) at the end of the season.
AAA Division:
Instructional, yet competitive division for player ages 8-11 (EXCEPTION: Players who are league age 8 are permitted to advance to AAA, after attending tryouts and WHO ARE DRAFTED TO PLAY IN AAA.) Regular season standings will be kept. Players are drafted to teams based on a preseason tryout. Any player missing tryouts who is league age 10 or 11 will automatically be placed in the Minor AAA division. Any player missing tryouts who is league age 9 will automatically be placed in the AA division. Majors may obtain injury/replacement players from Minor AAA during the season (refer to Little League rules / Local League rules "Bylaws" for further guidance). Bracket seeding for our end of the season "TOC's" will be based on regular season standings.
Major Division:
Competitive division for player ages 10-12. Scores and standings are posted. Players are placed on teams based on returning "franchised" status, or drafted based on a pre-season tryout. Players age 12 must be selected in the Majors draft, unless approval is obtained from District 11, Regulation V(a) Waiver, for his/her placement in the AAA division. All Players who are league ages 10-11 are eligible to be drafted or "called up" to Majors (EXCEPTION: A Player ages 10-11 can declare PRIOR to tryouts that s/he is not eligible for Majors). NOT ALL PLAYERS AGES 10-11 WILL BE DRAFTED INTO MAJORS. Once drafted into Majors, a Player ages 10-11 CANNOT refuse to play Majors and play in Minor AAA. If a Player ages 10-11 is ineligible for Majors or refuses a "call up" to Majors, they will not be eligible for All-Stars. Non-franchise players age 12 must tryout or they will be ineligible to play for the season. (EXCEPTION: A player who is unable to make tryouts, and who has been approved by the Board of directors to still qualify for the draft, due to a circumstance that is approved 7 calendar days prior to the last tryout date, will be placed on the list of potential Majors players to be drafted from).
Juniors Division:
Competitive division for players age 13-14 and in some circumstances *15. Scores and standings are posted. The Juniors division will redraft each year and players will be placed on teams based on a pre-season tryout. Players playing High School ball will be equally distributed across all teams.
*Click Here for rules regarding 15 YO playing in the Juniors Division