Players Must be 55 and Over (Born On/Before 1969)
Formerly "A" Division
Game Location: Joe Rodgers Field
1040 Park Ave Long Beach, Ca 90804
Formerly "B" Division
Game Location: Pan Am Park Field #1
5157 E. Centralia St. Long Beach, Ca 90808
Formerly "C" Division
Game Location: Pan Am Park Field # 2
Location: 5001 Deukmejian Dr.
Long Beach, Ca 90804
Saturdays: 9am, 10:30am, 12pm
80 Minutes
$265 Per Team
$20 Per Game
12 Scheduled Games & The Possibility of Playoffs
Through Long Beach Rec Connect
5001 Deukmejian Drive
2760 Studebaker Road
Long Beach, Ca 90815
Create a Long Beach Rec Connect Account or Log in
Select a night you want to register for
Complete Registration
Complete Adult Sports Roster and turn it into the coordinator before the first game.
Please Include: Team Name, Managers Name, Sport/Division, The Night You Play, Phone Number or Email, and a Brief Description
5001 Deukmejian Dr.
(562) 570-3214
(562) 570-1725